Plugin manager implementation for cache pattern adapters
Storage cache factory for multiple caches.
Storage cache factory.
Plugin manager implementation for cache storage adapters
Representation of an event
Representation of an event
Plugin manager implementation for cache plugins
Representation of an event
Unless otherwise marked, all options in this class affect all adapters.
These are options specific to the APC adapter
These are options specific to the APC adapter
These are options specific to the Filesystem adapter
These are options specific to the Memcache adapter
This is a resource manager for memcache
These are options specific to the Memcached adapter
This is a resource manager for memcached
These are options specific to the APC adapter
Unless otherwise marked, all options in this class affect all adapters.
Unless otherwise marked, all options in this class affect all adapters.
This is a resource manager for redis
These are options specific to the APC adapter
These are options specific to the APC adapter
These are options specific to the XCache adapter
Abstract aggregate listener
Abstract aggregate listener
Abstract aggregate listener
Abstract aggregate listener
Abstract aggregate listener
Abstract aggregate listener