Class for Zend\Json\Json encode method.
This class simply holds a string with a native Javascript Expression, so objects | arrays to be encoded with Zend\Json\Json can contain native Javascript Expressions.
$foo = array(
'integer' => 9,
'string' => 'test string',
'function' => Zend\Json\Expr(
'function () { window.alert("javascript function encoded by Zend\Json\Json") }'
Zend\Json\Json::encode($foo, false, array('enableJsonExprFinder' => true));
// it will returns json encoded string:
// {"integer":9,"string":"test string","function":function () {window.alert("javascript function encoded by Zend\Json\Json")}}
__construct(string $expression)
the expression to hold.
__toString() : string
holded javascript expression.$expression : string