Base annotations listener.
Provides an implementation of detach() that should work with any listener. Also provides listeners for the "Name" annotation -- handleNameAnnotation() will listen for the "Name" annotation, while discoverFallbackName() listens on the "discoverName" event and will use the class or property name, as discovered via reflection, if no other annotation has provided the name already.
attach(\Zend\EventManager\EventManagerInterface $events) : void
Implementors may add an optional $priority argument; the EventManager implementation will pass this to the aggregate.
inherited_from | \Zend\EventManager\ListenerAggregateInterface::attach() |
inherited_from | \Zend\EventManager\AbstractListenerAggregate::attach() |
detach(\Zend\EventManager\EventManagerInterface $events) : void
inherited_from | \Zend\EventManager\AbstractListenerAggregate::detach() |
discoverFallbackName(\Zend\EventManager\EventInterface $e) : string
handleNameAnnotation(\Zend\EventManager\EventInterface $e) : false | string
$listeners : \Zend\Stdlib\CallbackHandler[]
inherited_from | \Zend\EventManager\AbstractListenerAggregate::$$listeners |