Countable: return count of rows
count() : int
Iterator: get current item
current() : array
Get the data source used to create the result set
getDataSource() : null | \Iterator
Retrieve count of fields in individual rows of the result set
getFieldCount() : int
Iterator: retrieve current key
key() : mixed
Iterator: move pointer to next item
next() : void
Iterator: rewind
rewind() : void
Cast result set to array of arrays
toArray() : array
Iterator: is pointer valid?
valid() : bool
if -1, datasource is already buffered
if -2, implicitly disabling buffering in ResultSet
if false, explicitly disabled
if null, default state - nothing, but can buffer until iteration started
if array, already buffering
$buffer : mixed
$count : null | int
$fieldCount : int
$position : int