// // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //============================================================================= /** * @copyright Francois Laupretre * @license http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Apache License, V 2.0 * @category PHK * @package PHK *///========================================================================== //============================================================================= /** * PHK utility functions * * Static-only * API status: Private * Included in the PHK PHP runtime: Yes * Implemented in the extension: No *///========================================================================== namespace PHK\Tools { // Ensures PHP_VERSION_ID is set. If version < 5.2.7, emulate. if (!defined('PHP_VERSION_ID')) { $v = explode('.',PHP_VERSION); define('PHP_VERSION_ID', ($v[0]*10000+$v[1]*100+$v[2])); } //============================================================================= if (!class_exists('PHK\Tools\Util',false)) { //============================================================================ class Util // Static only { //----- private static $verbose=true; public static function msg($msg) { if (self::$verbose) echo $msg."\n"; } //----- public static function varType($var) { return is_object($var) ? 'object '.get_class($var) : gettype($var); } //----- // Keep in sync with \Phool\Util public static function envIsWeb() { return (php_sapi_name()!='cli'); } //---- // Keep in sync with \Phool\Util public static function envIsWindows() { return (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN'); } //---- public static function fileSuffix($filename) { $dotpos=strrpos($filename,'.'); if ($dotpos===false) return ''; return strtolower(substr($filename,$dotpos+1)); } //--------- // Warning: This is not the same code as \Automap\Map::combinePath() and // \Phool\File::combinePath(). Those were modified to support providing // an absolute $rpath. So, the behavior is different if $rpath starts with '/'. // // Combines a base directory and a relative path. If the base directory is // '.', returns the relative part without modification // Use '/' separator on stream-wrapper URIs public static function combinePath($dir,$rpath) { if ($dir=='.' || $dir=='') return $rpath; $rpath=trim($rpath,'/'); $rpath=trim($rpath,'\\'); $separ=(strpos($dir,':')!==false) ? '/' : DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (($dir==='/') || ($dir==='\\')) $separ=''; else { $c=substr($dir,-1,1); if (($c==='/') || ($c=='\\')) $dir=rtrim($dir,$c); } return (($rpath==='.') ? $dir : $dir.$separ.$rpath); } //--------------------------------- /** * Adds or removes a trailing separator in a path * * @param string $path Input * @param bool $flag true: add trailing sep, false: remove it * @return bool The result path */ public static function trailingSepar($path, $separ) { $path=rtrim($path,'/\\'); if ($path=='') return '/'; if ($separ) $path=$path.'/'; return $path; } //--------------------------------- /** * Determines if a given path is absolute or relative * * @param string $path The path to check * @return bool True if the path is absolute, false if relative */ public static function isAbsolutePath($path) { return ((strpos($path,':')!==false) ||(strpos($path,'/')===0) ||(strpos($path,'\\')===0)); } //--------------------------------- /** * Build an absolute path from a given (absolute or relative) path * * If the input path is relative, it is combined with the current working * directory. * * @param string $path The path to make absolute * @param bool $separ True if the resulting path must contain a trailing separator * @return string The resulting absolute path */ public static function mkAbsolutePath($path,$separ=false) { if (!self::isAbsolutePath($path)) $path=self::combinePath(getcwd(),$path); return self::trailingSepar($path,$separ); } //--------- // Adapted from PEAR public static function loadExtension($ext) { if (extension_loaded($ext)) return; if (PHP_OS == 'AIX') $suffix = 'a'; else $suffix = PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX; @dl('php_'.$ext.'.'.$suffix) || @dl($ext.'.'.$suffix); if (!extension_loaded($ext)) throw new \Exception("$ext: Cannot load extension"); } //--------- // Require several extensions. Allows to list every extensions that are not // present. public static function loadExtensions($ext_list) { $failed_ext=array(); foreach($ext_list as $ext) { try { self::loadExtension($ext); } catch (\Exception $e) { $failed_ext[]=$ext; } } if (count($failed_ext)) throw new \Exception('Cannot load the following required extension(s): ' .implode(' ',$failed_ext)); } //--------- // Replacement for substr() // Difference : returns '' instead of false (when index out of range) public static function substr($buf,$position,$len=NULL) { $str=is_null($len) ? substr($buf,$position) : substr($buf,$position,$len); if ($str===false) $str=''; return $str; } //--------- // This function must be called before every file access // Starting with version 5.3.0, 'magic_quotes_runtimes' is deprecated and // mustn't be used any more. private static $mqr_exists=null; private static $mqr_level=0; private static $mqr_save; public static function disableMQR() { if (is_null(self::$mqr_exists)) self::$mqr_exists=((PHP_VERSION_ID < 50300) && function_exists('set_magic_quotes_runtime')); if (!self::$mqr_exists) return; if (self::$mqr_level==0) { self::$mqr_save=get_magic_quotes_runtime(); set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); } self::$mqr_level++; } //--------- // This function must be called after every file access public static function restoreMQR() { if (is_null(self::$mqr_exists)) self::$mqr_exists=((PHP_VERSION_ID < 50300) && function_exists('set_magic_quotes_runtime')); if (!self::$mqr_exists) return; self::$mqr_level--; if (self::$mqr_level==0) set_magic_quotes_runtime(self::$mqr_save); } //--------- // Converts a timestamp to a string // @ to suppress warnings about system timezone public static function timeString($time=null) { if ($time=='unlimited') return $time; if (is_null($time)) $time=time(); return @strftime('%d-%b-%Y %H:%M %z',$time); } //--------- // HTTP mode only: Compute the base URL we were called with public static function httpBaseURL() { if (!self::envIsWeb()) return ''; if (!isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) return $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $phpself=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $slen=strlen($phpself); $pathinfo=$_SERVER['PATH_INFO']; $ilen=strlen($pathinfo); // Remove PATH_INFO from PHP_SELF if it is at the end. Don't know // which config does this, but some servers put it, some don't. if (($slen > $ilen) && (substr($phpself,$slen-$ilen)==$pathinfo)) $phpself=substr($phpself,0,$slen-$ilen); return $phpself; } //--------------------------------- // Sends an HTTP 301 redirection public static function http301Redirect($path) { header('Location: http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].self::httpBaseURL().$path); header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently'); exit(0); } //--------------------------------- // Sends an HTTP 404 failure public static function http404Fail() { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); exit(1); } //--------------------------------- // Sends an HTTP 403 failure public static function http403Fail() { header("HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden"); exit(1); } //----- public static function bool2str($cond) { return $cond ? 'Yes' : 'No'; } //--------- public static function readFile($path) { if (($data=@file_get_contents($path))===false) throw new \Exception($path.': Cannot get file content'); return $data; } //--------- // Throws exceptions and removes '.' and '..' public static function scandir($path) { if (($subnames=scandir($path))===false) throw new \Exception($path.': Cannot read directory'); $a=array(); foreach($subnames as $f) if (($f!='.') && ($f!='..')) $a[]=$f; return $a; } //--------- public static function trace($msg) { if (($tfile=getenv('PHK_TRACE_FILE')) !== false) { // Append message to trace file if (($fp=fopen($tfile,'a'))===false) throw new \Exception($tfile.': Cannot open trace file'); fwrite($fp,self::timeString().': '.$msg."\n"); fclose($fp); } } //--------- // $start=microtime() float public static function deltaMS($start) { $delta=microtime(true)-$start; return round($delta*1000,2).' ms'; } //--------- public static function mkArray($data) { if (is_null($data)) return array(); if (!is_array($data)) $data=array($data); return $data; } //--------- public static function displaySlowPath() { if (getenv('PHK_DEBUG_SLOW_PATH')!==false) { $html=self::envIsWeb(); if (isset($GLOBALS['__PHK_SLOW_PATH'])) $data="Slow path entered at:\n".$GLOBALS['__PHK_SLOW_PATH']; else $data="Fast path OK\n"; \PHK::infoSection($html,'Fast path result'); if ($html) echo "
	echo $data;
	if ($html) echo "/


public static function slowPath()
if ((getenv('PHK_DEBUG_SLOW_PATH')!==false)
	&& (!isset($GLOBALS['__PHK_SLOW_PATH'])))
	$e=new \Exception();

* Sends an \Exception with a message starting with 'Format error'
* @param string $msg Message to send
* @return void
* @throws \Exception

public static function formatError($msg)
throw new \Exception('Format error: '.$msg);

// Utility functions called by PHK\Mgr. When using the accelerator, this
// data is persistent. So, retrieving it to populate the cache can be done
// in PHP.

public static function getMinVersion($mnt,$caching)
return \PHK\Stream\Wrapper::getFile(false,\PHK\Mgr::commandURI($mnt
	,'magicField&name=mv'),$mnt,'magicField',array('name' => 'mv'),''

public static function getOptions($mnt,$caching)
return unserialize(\PHK\Stream\Wrapper::getFile(false,\PHK\Mgr::sectionURI($mnt
	,'OPTIONS'),$mnt,'section',array('name' => 'OPTIONS'),'',$caching));

public static function getBuildInfo($mnt,$caching)
return unserialize(\PHK\Stream\Wrapper::getFile(false,\PHK\Mgr::sectionURI($mnt
	,'BUILD_INFO'),$mnt,'section',array('name' => 'BUILD_INFO'),'',$caching));


public static function callMethod($object,$method,$args)
// Special care to avoid endless loops

if (!method_exists($object,$method))
	throw new \Exception("$method: calling non existing method");

return call_user_func_array(array($object,$method),$args);


public static function runWebInfo($phk)
$phk->proxy()->crcCheck();	//-- check CRC before running webinfo
$phkw=new \PHK\Web\Info($phk);


public static function atomicWrite($path,$data)

if (file_put_contents($tmpf,$data)!=strlen($data))
	throw new \Exception($tmpf.": Cannot write");

// Windows does not support renaming to an existing file (looses atomicity)

if (self::envIsWindows()) @unlink($path);

if (!rename($tmpf,$path))
	throw new \Exception($path.': Cannot replace file');

* Computes a string uniquely identifying a given path on this host.
* Mount point unicity is based on a combination of device+inode+mtime.
* On systems which don't supply a valid inode number (eg Windows), we
* maintain a fake inode table, whose unicity is based on the path filtered
* through realpath(). It is not perfect because I am not sure that realpath
* really returns a unique 'canonical' path, but this is best solution I
* have found so far.
* @param string $path The path to be mounted
* @return string the computed mount point
* @throws \Exception

private static $simul_inode_array=array();
private static $simul_inode_index=1;

public static function pathUniqueID($prefix,$path,&$mtime)
if (($s=@stat($path))===false) throw new \Exception("$path: File not found");


if ($inode==0) // This system does not support inodes
	if ($rpath === false) throw new \Exception("$path: Cannot compute realpath");

	if (isset(self::$simul_inode_array[$rpath]))
		{ // Create a new slot

return sprintf('%s_%X_%X_%X',$prefix,$dev,$inode,$mtime);

} // End of class
} // End of class_exists
} // End of namespace