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Conclusion — Zend Framework 2 2.4.2 documentation


This concludes our brief look at building a simple, but fully functional, MVC application using Zend Framework 2.

In this tutorial we but briefly touched quite a number of different parts of the framework.

The most important part of applications built with Zend Framework 2 are the modules, the building blocks of any MVC ZF2 application.

To ease the work with dependencies inside our applications, we use the service manager.

To be able to map a request to controllers and their actions, we use routes.

Data persistence, in most cases, includes using Zend\Db to communicate with one of the databases. Input data is filtered and validated with input filters and together with Zend\Form they provide a strong bridge between the domain model and the view layer.

Zend\View is responsible for the View in the MVC stack, together with a vast amount of view helpers.

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Forms and actions

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Introducing our first “Blog” Module

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