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Zend\Ldap\Node\RootDse — Zend Framework 2 2.4.2 documentation


The following methods are available on all vendor-specific subclasses.

Zend\Ldap\Node\RootDse includes the magic property accessors __get() and __isset() to access the attributes by their name. They proxy to Zend\Ldap\Node\RootDse::getAttribute() and Zend\Ldap\Node\RootDse::existsAttribute() respectively. __set() and __unset() are also implemented but they throw a BadMethodCallException as modifications are not allowed on RootDSE nodes. Furthermore the class implements ArrayAccess for array-style-access to the attributes. offsetSet() and offsetUnset() also throw a BadMethodCallException due ro obvious reasons.

Zend\Ldap\Node\RootDse API
Method Description
Zend\Ldap\Dn getDn() Gets the DN of the current node as a Zend\Ldap\Dn.
string getDnString(string $caseFold) Gets the DN of the current node as a string.
array getDnArray(string $caseFold) Gets the DN of the current node as an array.
string getRdnString(string $caseFold) Gets the RDN of the current node as a string.
array getRdnArray(string $caseFold) Gets the RDN of the current node as an array.
array getObjectClass() Returns the objectClass of the node.
string toString() Returns the DN of the current node - proxies to Zend\Ldap\Dn::getDnString().
string __toString() Casts to string representation - proxies to Zend\Ldap\Dn::toString().
array toArray(boolean $includeSystemAttributes) Returns an array representation of the current node. If $includeSystemAttributes is FALSE (defaults to TRUE) the system specific attributes are stripped from the array. Unlike Zend\Ldap\Node\RootDse::getAttributes() the resulting array contains the DN with key ‘dn’.
string toJson(boolean $includeSystemAttributes) Returns a JSON representation of the current node using Zend\Ldap\Node\RootDse::toArray().
array getData(boolean $includeSystemAttributes) Returns the node’s attributes. The array contains all attributes in its internal format (no conversion).
boolean existsAttribute(string $name, boolean $emptyExists) Checks whether a given attribute exists. If $emptyExists is FALSE, empty attributes (containing only array()) are treated as non-existent returning FALSE. If $emptyExists is TRUE, empty attributes are treated as existent returning TRUE. In this case the method returns FALSE only if the attribute name is missing in the key-collection.
boolean attributeHasValue(string $name, mixed|array $value) Checks if the given value(s) exist in the attribute. The method returns TRUE only if all values in $value are present in the attribute. Comparison is done strictly (respecting the data type).
integer count() Returns the number of attributes in the node. Implements Countable.
mixed getAttribute(string $name, integer|null $index) Gets a LDAP attribute. Data conversion is applied using Zend\Ldap\Attribute::getAttribute().
array getAttributes(boolean $includeSystemAttributes) Gets all attributes of node. If $includeSystemAttributes is FALSE (defaults to TRUE) the system specific attributes are stripped from the array.
array|integer getDateTimeAttribute(string $name, integer|null $index) Gets a LDAP date/time attribute. Data conversion is applied using Zend\Ldap\Attribute::getDateTimeAttribute().
Zend\Ldap\Node\RootDse reload(Zend\Ldap\Ldap $ldap) Reloads the current node’s attributes from the given LDAP server.
Zend\Ldap\Node\RootDse create(Zend\Ldap\Ldap $ldap) Factory method to create the RootDSE.
array getNamingContexts() Gets the namingContexts.
string|null getSubschemaSubentry() Gets the subschemaSubentry.
boolean supportsVersion(string|int|array $versions) Determines if the LDAP version is supported.
boolean supportsSaslMechanism(string|array $mechlist) Determines if the sasl mechanism is supported.
integer getServerType() Gets the server type. Returns Zend\Ldap\Node\RootDse::SERVER_TYPE_GENERICfor unknown LDAP serversZend\Ldap\Node\RootDse::SERVER_TYPE_OPENLDAPfor OpenLDAP serversZend\Ldap\Node\RootDse::SERVER_TYPE_ACTIVEDIRECTORYfor Microsoft ActiveDirectory serversZend\Ldap\Node\RootDse::SERVER_TYPE_EDIRECTORYFor Novell eDirectory servers
Zend\Ldap\Dn getSchemaDn() Returns the schema DN.


Additionally the common methods above apply to instances of Zend\Ldap\Node\RootDse\OpenLdap.


Refer to LDAP Operational Attributes and Objects for information on the attributes of OpenLDAP RootDSE.

Zend\Ldap\Node\RootDse\OpenLdap API
Method Description
integer getServerType() Gets the server type. Returns Zend\Ldap\Node\RootDse::SERVER_TYPE_OPENLDAP
string|null getConfigContext() Gets the configContext.
string|null getMonitorContext() Gets the monitorContext.
boolean supportsControl(string|array $oids) Determines if the control is supported.
boolean supportsExtension(string|array $oids) Determines if the extension is supported.
boolean supportsFeature(string|array $oids) Determines if the feature is supported.


Additionally the common methods above apply to instances of Zend\Ldap\Node\RootDse\ActiveDirectory.


Refer to RootDSE for information on the attributes of Microsoft ActiveDirectory RootDSE.

Zend\Ldap\Node\RootDse\ActiveDirectory API
Method Description
integer getServerType() Gets the server type. Returns Zend\Ldap\Node\RootDse::SERVER_TYPE_ACTIVEDIRECTORY
string|null getConfigurationNamingContext() Gets the configurationNamingContext.
string|null getCurrentTime() Gets the currentTime.
string|null getDefaultNamingContext() Gets the defaultNamingContext.
string|null getDnsHostName() Gets the dnsHostName.
string|null getDomainControllerFunctionality() Gets the domainControllerFunctionality.
string|null getDomainFunctionality() Gets the domainFunctionality.
string|null getDsServiceName() Gets the dsServiceName.
string|null getForestFunctionality() Gets the forestFunctionality.
string|null getHighestCommittedUSN() Gets the highestCommittedUSN.
string|null getIsGlobalCatalogReady() Gets the isGlobalCatalogReady.
string|null getIsSynchronized() Gets the isSynchronized.
string|null getLdapServiceName() Gets the ldapServiceName.
string|null getRootDomainNamingContext() Gets the rootDomainNamingContext.
string|null getSchemaNamingContext() Gets the schemaNamingContext.
string|null getServerName() Gets the serverName.
boolean supportsCapability(string|array $oids) Determines if the capability is supported.
boolean supportsControl(string|array $oids) Determines if the control is supported.
boolean supportsPolicy(string|array $policies) Determines if the version is supported.


Additionally the common methods above apply to instances of ZendLdapNodeRootDseeDirectory.


Refer to Getting Information about the LDAP Server for information on the attributes of Novell eDirectory RootDSE.

Zend\Ldap\Node\RootDse\eDirectory API
Method Description
integer getServerType() Gets the server type. Returns Zend\Ldap\Node\RootDse::SERVER_TYPE_EDIRECTORY
boolean supportsExtension(string|array $oids) Determines if the extension is supported.
string|null getVendorName() Gets the vendorName.
string|null getVendorVersion() Gets the vendorVersion.
string|null getDsaName() Gets the dsaName.
string|null getStatisticsErrors() Gets the server statistics “errors”.
string|null getStatisticsSecurityErrors() Gets the server statistics “securityErrors”.
string|null getStatisticsChainings() Gets the server statistics “chainings”.
string|null getStatisticsReferralsReturned() Gets the server statistics “referralsReturned”.
string|null getStatisticsExtendedOps() Gets the server statistics “extendedOps”.
string|null getStatisticsAbandonOps() Gets the server statistics “abandonOps”.
string|null getStatisticsWholeSubtreeSearchOps() Gets the server statistics “wholeSubtreeSearchOps”.

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