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Zend\Ldap\Node — Zend Framework 2 2.4.2 documentation


Zend\Ldap\Node includes the magic property accessors __set(), __get(), __unset() and __isset() to access the attributes by their name. They proxy to Zend\Ldap\Node::setAttribute(), Zend\Ldap\Node::getAttribute(), Zend\Ldap\Node::deleteAttribute() and Zend\Ldap\Node::existsAttribute() respectively. Furthermore the class implements ArrayAccess for array-style-access to the attributes. Zend\Ldap\Node also implements Iterator and RecursiveIterator to allow for recursive tree-traversal.

Zend\Ldap\Node API
Method Description
Zend\Ldap\Ldap getLdap() Returns the current LDAP connection. Throws Zend\Ldap\Exception\LdapException if current node is in detached mode (not connected to a Zend\Ldap\Ldap instance).
Zend\Ldap\Node attachLdap(Zend\Ldap\Ldap $ldap) Attach the current node to the $ldapZend\Ldap\Ldap instance. Throws Zend\Ldap\Exception\LdapException if $ldap is not responsible for the current node (node is not a child of the $ldap base DN).
Zend\Ldap\Node detachLdap() Detach node from LDAP connection.
boolean isAttached() Checks if the current node is attached to a LDAP connection.
Zend\Ldap\Node create(string|array|Zend\Ldap\Dn $dn, array $objectClass) Factory method to create a new detached Zend\Ldap\Node for a given DN. Creates a new Zend\Ldap\Node with the DN $dn and the object-classes $objectClass.
Zend\Ldap\Node fromLdap(string|array|Zend\Ldap\Dn $dn, Zend\Ldap\Ldap $ldap) Factory method to create an attached Zend\Ldap\Node for a given DN. Loads an existing Zend\Ldap\Node with the DN $dn from the LDAP connection $ldap.
Zend\Ldap\Node fromArray((array $data, boolean $fromDataSource) Factory method to create a detached Zend\Ldap\Node from array data $data. if $fromDataSource is TRUE (FALSE by default), the data is treated as being present in a LDAP tree.
boolean isNew() Tells if the node is considered as new (not present on the server). Please note, that this doesn’t tell if the node is really present on the server. Use Zend\Ldap\Node::exists() to see if a node is already there.
boolean willBeDeleted() Tells if this node is going to be deleted once Zend\Ldap\Node::update() is called.
Zend\Ldap\Node delete() Marks this node as to be deleted. Node will be deleted on calling Zend\Ldap\Node::update() if Zend\Ldap\Node::willBeDeleted() is TRUE.
boolean willBeMoved() Tells if this node is going to be moved once Zend\Ldap\Node::update() is called.
Zend\Ldap\Node update(Zend\Ldap\Ldap $ldap) Sends all pending changes to the LDAP server. If $ldap is omitted the current LDAP connection is used. If the current node is detached from a LDAP connection a Zend\Ldap\Exception\LdapException will be thrown. If $ldap is provided the current node will be attached to the given LDAP connection.
Zend\Ldap\Dn getCurrentDn() Gets the current DN of the current node as a Zend\Ldap\Dn. This does not reflect possible rename-operations.
Zend\Ldap\Dn getDn() Gets the original DN of the current node as a Zend\Ldap\Dn. This reflects possible rename-operations.
string getDnString(string $caseFold) Gets the original DN of the current node as a string. This reflects possible rename-operations.
array getDnArray(string $caseFold) Gets the original DN of the current node as an array. This reflects possible rename-operations.
string getRdnString(string $caseFold) Gets the RDN of the current node as a string. This reflects possible rename-operations.
array getRdnArray(string $caseFold) Gets the RDN of the current node as an array. This reflects possible rename-operations.
Zend\Ldap\Node setDn(Zend\Ldap\Dn|string|array $newDn) Sets the new DN for this node effectively moving the node once Zend\Ldap\Node::update() is called.
Zend\Ldap\Node move(Zend\Ldap\Dn|string|array $newDn) This is an alias for Zend\Ldap\Node::setDn().
Zend\Ldap\Node rename(Zend\Ldap\Dn|string|array $newDn) This is an alias for Zend\Ldap\Node::setDn().
array getObjectClass() Returns the objectClass of the node.
Zend\Ldap\Node setObjectClass(array|string $value) Sets the objectClass attribute.
Zend\Ldap\Node appendObjectClass(array|string $value) Appends to the objectClass attribute.
string toLdif(array $options) Returns a LDIF representation of the current node. $options will be passed to the Zend\Ldap\Ldif\Encoder.
array getChangedData() Gets changed node data. The array contains all changed attributes. This format can be used in Zend\Ldap\Ldap::add() and Zend\Ldap\Ldap::update().
array getChanges() Returns all changes made.
string toString() Returns the DN of the current node - proxies to Zend\Ldap\Dn::getDnString().
string __toString() Casts to string representation - proxies to Zend\Ldap\Dn::toString().
array toArray(boolean $includeSystemAttributes) Returns an array representation of the current node. If $includeSystemAttributes is FALSE (defaults to TRUE) the system specific attributes are stripped from the array. Unlike Zend\Ldap\Node::getAttributes() the resulting array contains the DN with key ‘dn’.
string toJson(boolean $includeSystemAttributes) Returns a JSON representation of the current node using Zend\Ldap\Node::toArray().
array getData(boolean $includeSystemAttributes) Returns the node’s attributes. The array contains all attributes in its internal format (no conversion).
boolean existsAttribute(string $name, boolean $emptyExists) Checks whether a given attribute exists. If $emptyExists is FALSE empty attributes (containing only array()) are treated as non-existent returning FALSE. If $emptyExists is TRUE empty attributes are treated as existent returning TRUE. In this case the method returns FALSE only if the attribute name is missing in the key-collection.
boolean attributeHasValue(string $name, mixed|array $value) Checks if the given value(s) exist in the attribute. The method returns TRUE only if all values in $value are present in the attribute. Comparison is done strictly (respecting the data type).
integer count() Returns the number of attributes in the node. Implements Countable.
mixed getAttribute(string $name, integer|null $index) Gets a LDAP attribute. Data conversion is applied using Zend\Ldap\Attribute::getAttribute().
array getAttributes(boolean $includeSystemAttributes) Gets all attributes of node. If $includeSystemAttributes is FALSE (defaults to TRUE) the system specific attributes are stripped from the array.
Zend\Ldap\Node setAttribute(string $name, mixed $value) Sets a LDAP attribute. Data conversion is applied using Zend\Ldap\Attribute::setAttribute().
Zend\Ldap\Node appendToAttribute(string $name, mixed $value) Appends to a LDAP attribute. Data conversion is applied using Zend\Ldap\Attribute::setAttribute().
array|integer getDateTimeAttribute(string $name, integer|null $index) Gets a LDAP date/time attribute. Data conversion is applied using Zend\Ldap\Attribute::getDateTimeAttribute().
Zend\Ldap\Node setDateTimeAttribute(string $name, integer|array $value, boolean $utc) Sets a LDAP date/time attribute. Data conversion is applied using Zend\Ldap\Attribute::setDateTimeAttribute().
Zend\Ldap\Node appendToDateTimeAttribute(string $name, integer|array $value, boolean $utc) Appends to a LDAP date/time attribute. Data conversion is applied using Zend\Ldap\Attribute::setDateTimeAttribute().
Zend\Ldap\Node setPasswordAttribute(string $password, string $hashType, string $attribName) Sets a LDAP password on $attribName (defaults to ‘userPassword’) to $password with the hash type $hashType (defaults to Zend\Ldap\Attribute::PASSWORD_HASH_MD5).
Zend\Ldap\Node deleteAttribute(string $name) Deletes a LDAP attribute.
void removeDuplicatesFromAttribute(string$name) Removes duplicate values from a LDAP attribute.
void removeFromAttribute(string $attribName, mixed|array $value) Removes the given values from a LDAP attribute.
boolean exists(Zend\Ldap\Ldap $ldap) Checks if the current node exists on the given LDAP server (current server is used if NULL is passed).
Zend\Ldap\Node reload(Zend\Ldap\Ldap $ldap) Reloads the current node’s attributes from the given LDAP server (current server is used if NULL is passed).
Zend\Ldap\Node\Collection searchSubtree(string|Zend\Ldap\Filter\AbstractFilter $filter, integer $scope, string $sort) Searches the nodes’s subtree with the given $filter and the given search parameters. See Zend\Ldap\Ldap::search() for details on the parameters $scope and $sort.
integer countSubtree(string|Zend\Ldap\Filter\AbstractFilter $filter, integer $scope) Count the nodes’s subtree items matching the given $filter and the given search scope. See Zend\Ldap\Ldap::search() for details on the $scope parameter.
integer countChildren() Count the nodes’s children.
Zend\Ldap\Node\Collection searchChildren(string|Zend\Ldap\Filter\AbstractFilter $filter, string $sort) Searches the nodes’s children matching the given $filter. See Zend\Ldap\Ldap::search() for details on the $sort parameter.
boolean hasChildren() Returns whether the current node has children.
Zend\Ldap\Node\ChildrenIterator getChildren() Returns all children of the current node.
Zend\Ldap\Node getParent(Zend\Ldap\Ldap $ldap) Returns the parent of the current node using the LDAP connection $ldap (uses the current LDAP connection if omitted).

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