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Zend\Ldap\Filter — Zend Framework 2 2.4.2 documentation


Zend\Ldap\Filter API
Method Description
Zend\Ldap\Filter equals(string $attr, string $value) Creates an ‘equals’ filter: (attr=value).
Zend\Ldap\Filter begins(string $attr, string $value) Creates an ‘begins with’ filter: (attr=value*).
Zend\Ldap\Filter ends(string $attr, string $value) Creates an ‘ends with’ filter: (attr=*value).
Zend\Ldap\Filter contains(string $attr, string $value) Creates an ‘contains’ filter: (attr=*value*).
Zend\Ldap\Filter greater(string $attr, string $value) Creates an ‘greater’ filter: (attr>value).
Zend\Ldap\Filter greaterOrEqual(string $attr, string $value) Creates an ‘greater or equal’ filter: (attr>=value).
Zend\Ldap\Filter less(string $attr, string $value) Creates an ‘less’ filter: (attr<value).
Zend\Ldap\Filter lessOrEqual(string $attr, string $value) Creates an ‘less or equal’ filter: (attr<=value).
Zend\Ldap\Filter approx(string $attr, string $value) Creates an ‘approx’ filter: (attr~=value).
Zend\Ldap\Filter any(string $attr) Creates an ‘any’ filter: (attr=*).
Zend\Ldap\Filter string(string $filter) Creates a simple custom string filter. The user is responsible for all value-escaping as the filter is used as is.
Zend\Ldap\Filter mask(string $mask, string $value,...) Creates a filter from a string mask. All $value parameters will be escaped and substituted into $mask by using sprintf()
Zend\Ldap\Filter andFilter(Zend\Ldap\Filter\AbstractFilter $filter,...) Creates an ‘and’ filter from all arguments given.
Zend\Ldap\Filter orFilter(Zend\Ldap\Filter\AbstractFilter $filter,...) Creates an ‘or’ filter from all arguments given.
__construct(string $attr, string $value, string $filtertype, string|null $prepend, string|null $append) Constructor. Creates an arbitrary filter according to the parameters supplied. The resulting filter will be a concatenation $attr . $filtertype . $prepend . $value . $append. Normally this constructor is not needed as all filters can be created by using the appropriate factory methods.
string toString() Returns a string representation of the filter.
string __toString() Returns a string representation of the filter. Proxies to Zend\Ldap\Filter::toString().
Zend\Ldap\Filter\AbstractFilter negate() Negates the current filter.
Zend\Ldap\Filter\AbstractFilter addAnd(Zend\Ldap\Filter\AbstractFilter $filter,...) Creates an ‘and’ filter from the current filter and all filters passed in as the arguments.
Zend\Ldap\Filter\AbstractFilter addOr(Zend\Ldap\Filter\AbstractFilter $filter,...) Creates an ‘or’ filter from the current filter and all filters passed in as the arguments.
string|array escapeValue(string|array $values) Escapes the given $values according to RFC 2254 so that they can be safely used in LDAP filters. If a single string is given, a string is returned - otherwise an array is returned. Any control characters with an ASCII code < 32 as well as the characters with special meaning in LDAP filters “*”, “(”, ”)”, and “\” (the backslash) are converted into the representation of a backslash followed by two hex digits representing the hexadecimal value of the character.
string|array unescapeValue(string|array $values) Undoes the conversion done by Zend\Ldap\Filter::escapeValue(). Converts any sequences of a backslash followed by two hex digits into the corresponding character.

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