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Zend\Ldap\Converter\Converter — Zend Framework 2 2.4.2 documentation


Zend\Ldap\Converter\Converter is a helper class providing only static methods to manipulate arrays suitable to the data format required by the LDAP server. PHP data types are converted the following way:

No conversion will be done.
integer and float
The value will be converted to a string.
TRUE will be converted to ‘TRUE’ and FALSE to ‘FALSE’
object and array
The value will be converted to a string by using serialize().
The value will be converted to a string with the following date() format YmdHisO, UTC timezone (+0000) will be replaced with a Z. For example 01-30-2011 01:17:32 PM GMT-6 will be 20113001131732-0600 and 30-01-2012 15:17:32 UTC will be 20120130151732Z
If a stream resource is given, the data will be fetched by calling stream_get_contents().
All other data types (namely non-stream resources) will be omitted.

On reading values the following conversion will take place:

Converted to TRUE.
Converted to FALSE.
All other strings won’t be automatically converted and are passed as they are.
Zend\Ldap\Converter\Converter API
Method Description
string ascToHex32(string $string) Convert all Ascii characters with decimal value less than 32 to hexadecimal value.
string hex32ToAsc(string $string) Convert all hexadecimal characters by his Ascii value.
string|null toLdap(mixed $value, int $type) Converts a PHP data type into its LDAP representation. $type argument is used to set the conversion method by default Converter::STANDARD where the function will try to guess the conversion method to use, others possibilities are Converter::BOOLEAN and Converter::GENERALIZED_TIME See introduction for details.
mixed fromLdap(string $value, int $type, boolean $dateTimeAsUtc) Converts an LDAP value into its PHP data type. See introduction and toLdap() and toLdapDateTime() for details.
string|null toLdapDateTime(integer|string|DateTime $date, boolean $asUtc) Converts a timestamp, a DateTime Object, a string that is parseable by strtotime() or a DateTime into its LDAP date/time representation. If $asUtc is TRUE ( FALSE by default) the resulting LDAP date/time string will be inUTC, otherwise a local date/time string will be returned.
DateTime fromLdapDateTime(string $date, boolean $asUtc) Converts LDAP date/time representation into a PHP DateTime object.
string toLdapBoolean(boolean|integer|string $value) Converts a PHP data type into its LDAP boolean representation. By default always return ‘FALSE’ except if the value is true , ‘true’ or 1
boolean fromLdapBoolean(string $value) Converts LDAP boolean representation into a PHP boolean data type.
string toLdapSerialize(mixed $value) The value will be converted to a string by using serialize().
mixed fromLdapUnserialize(string $value) The value will be converted from a string by using unserialize().

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