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IsFloat — Zend Framework 2 2.4.2 documentation


Zend\I18n\Validator\IsFloat allows you to validate if a given value contains a floating-point value. This validator validates also localized input.

Supported options for Zend\I18n\Validator\IsFloat

The following options are supported for Zend\I18n\Validator\IsFloat:

  • locale: Sets the locale which will be used to validate localized float values.

Simple float validation

The simplest way to validate a float is by using the system settings. When no option is used, the environment locale is used for validation:

$validator = new Zend\I18n\Validator\IsFloat();

$validator->isValid(1234.5);   // returns true
$validator->isValid('10a01'); // returns false
$validator->isValid('1,234.5'); // returns true

In the above example we expected that our environment is set to “en” as locale.

Localized float validation

Often it’s useful to be able to validate also localized values. Float values are often written different in other countries. For example using english you will write “1.5”. In german you may write “1,5” and in other languages you may use grouping.

Zend\I18n\Validator\IsFloat is able to validate such notations. However,it is limited to the locale you set. See the following code:

$validator = new Zend\I18n\Validator\IsFloat(array('locale' => 'de'));

$validator->isValid(1234.5); // returns true
$validator->isValid("1 234,5"); // returns false
$validator->isValid("1.234"); // returns true

As you can see, by using a locale, your input is validated localized. Using a different notation you get a FALSE when the locale forces a different notation.

The locale can also be set afterwards by using setLocale() and retrieved by using getLocale().

Migration from 2.0-2.3 to 2.4+

Version 2.4 adds support for PHP 7. In PHP 7, float is a reserved keyword, which required renaming the Float validator. If you were using the Float validator directly previously, you will now receive an E_USER_DEPRECATED notice on instantiation. Please update your code to refer to the IsFloat class instead.

Users pulling their Float validator instance from the validator plugin manager receive an IsFloat instance instead starting in 2.4.0.

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