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Save Changes to PDF Documents

There are two methods that save changes to *PDF* documents: the ``ZendPdf\PdfDocument::save()`` and ``ZendPdf\PdfDocument::render()``

``ZendPdf\PdfDocument::save($filename, $updateOnly = false)`` saves the *PDF* document to a file. If $updateOnly is ``TRUE``,
then only the new *PDF* file segment is appended to a file. Otherwise, the file is overwritten.

``ZendPdf\PdfDocument::render($newSegmentOnly = false)`` returns the *PDF* document as a string. If $newSegmentOnly is
``TRUE``, then only the new *PDF* file segment is returned.


.. rubric:: Saving PDF Documents

.. code-block:: php

   // Load the PDF document
   $pdf = ZendPdf\PdfDocument::load($fileName);
   // Update the PDF document
   $pdf->save($fileName, true);
   // Save document as a new file

   // Return the PDF document as a string
   $pdfString = $pdf->render();


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