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Using Google Analytics

The Google Analytics *API* allows client applications to request data, saved in the analytics accounts.

See for more information about the Google
Analytics *API*.


Retrieving account data

Using the account feed, you are able to retrieve a list of all the accounts available to a specified user.

.. code-block:: php

   $service = ZendGData\Analytics::AUTH_SERVICE_NAME;
   $client = ZendGData\ClientLogin::getHttpClient($email, $password, $service);
   $analytics = new ZendGData\Analytics($client);
   $accounts = $analytics->getAccountFeed();

   foreach ($accounts as $account) {
     echo "\n{$account->title}\n";

The ``$analytics->getAccountFeed()`` call, results in a ``ZendGData\Analytics\AccountFeed`` object that contains
``ZendGData\Analytics\AccountEntry`` objects. Each of this objects represent a google analytics account.


Retrieving report data

Besides the account feed, google offers a data feed, to retrieve report data using the Google Analytics *API*. To
easily request for these reports, ZendGData\Analytics offers a simple query construction interface. You can use
all the `metrics and dimensions`_ specified by the API. Additionally you can apply some `filters`_ to retrieve some
`common data`_ or even complex results.

.. code-block:: php

   $query = $service->newDataQuery()->setProfileId($profileId)
     ->addSort(ZendGData\Analytics\DataQuery::METRIC_VISITS, true)
     ->addSort(ZendGData\Analytics\DataQuery::METRIC_BOUNCES, false)

   $result = $analytics->getDataFeed($query);
   foreach ($result as $row) {
     echo $row->getMetric('ga:visits')."\t";
     echo $row->getValue('ga:bounces')."\n";

.. _`metrics and dimensions`:
.. _`filters`:
.. _`common data`:

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