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.. _zend.view.php-renderer.scripts:

PhpRenderer View Scripts

Once you call ``render()``, ``Zend\View\Renderer\PhpRenderer`` then ``include()``\ s the requested view script and
executes it "inside" the scope of the ``PhpRenderer`` instance. Therefore, in your view scripts, references to
``$this`` actually point to the ``PhpRenderer`` instance itself.

Variables assigned to the view -- either via a :ref:`View Model <zend.view.quick-start.usage.controllers>`, :ref:`Variables container
<zend.view.quick-start.intro>`, or simply by passing an array of variables to ``render()``-- may be retrieved in three

- Explicitly, by retrieving them from the ``Variables`` container composed in the ``PhpRenderer``:

- As instance properties of the ``PhpRenderer`` instance: *$this->varname*. (In this situation, instance property
  access is simply proxying to the composed ``Variables`` instance.)

- As local PHP variables: *$varname*. The ``PhpRenderer`` extracts the members of the ``Variables`` container

We generally recommend using the second notation, as it's less verbose than the first, but differentiates between
variables in the view script scope and those assigned to the renderer from elsewhere.

By way of reminder, here is the example view script from the ``PhpRenderer`` introduction.

.. code-block:: php

   <?php if ($this->books): ?>

       <!-- A table of some books. -->

           <?php foreach ($this->books as $key => $val): ?>
               <td><?php echo $this->escapeHtml($val['author']) ?></td>
               <td><?php echo $this->escapeHtml($val['title']) ?></td>
           <?php endforeach; ?>


   <?php else: ?>

       <p>There are no books to display.</p>

   <?php endif;?>

.. _zend.view.php-renderer.scripts.escaping:

Escaping Output

One of the most important tasks to perform in a view script is to make sure that output is escaped properly; among
other things, this helps to avoid cross-site scripting attacks. Unless you are using a function, method, or helper
that does escaping on its own, you should always escape variables when you output them and pay careful attention to
applying the correct escaping strategy to each HTML context you use.

The ``PhpRenderer`` includes a selection of helpers you can use for this purpose: ``EscapeHtml``,
``EscapeHtmlAttr``, ``EscapeJs``, ``EscapeCss``, and ``EscapeUrl``. Matching the correct helper (or combination of
helpers) to the context into which you are injecting untrusted variables will ensure that you are protected against
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities.

.. code-block:: php

   // bad view-script practice:
   echo $this->variable;

   // good view-script practice:
   echo $this->escapeHtml($this->variable);

   // and remember context is always relevant!
   <script type="text/javascript">
       var foo = "<?php echo $this->escapeJs($variable) ?>";

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