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File: /_sources/modules/zend.view.helpers.identity.txt

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.. _zend.view.helpers.initial.identity:

View Helper - Identity

.. _zend.view.helpers.initial.identity.introduction:


The ``Identity`` helper allows for getting the identity from the ``AuthenticationService``.

For the ``Identity`` helper to work, a ``Zend\Authentication\AuthenticationService`` name or alias must be
defined and recognized by the ``ServiceManager``.

``Identity`` returns the identity in the ``AuthenticationService`` or `null` if no identity is available.

.. _zend.view.helpers.initial.identity.basicusage:

Basic Usage

.. code-block:: php

        if ($user = $this->identity()) {
            echo 'Logged in as ' . $this->escapeHtml($user->getUsername());
        } else {
            echo 'Not logged in';

.. _zend.view.helpers.initial.identity.servicemanager:

Using with ServiceManager

When invoked, the ``Identity`` plugin will look for a service by the name or alias
``Zend\Authentication\AuthenticationService`` in the ``ServiceManager``.
You can provide this service to the ``ServiceManager`` in a configuration file:

.. code-block:: php

    // In a configuration file...
    return array(
        'service_manager' => array(
            'aliases' => array(
                'Zend\Authentication\AuthenticationService' => 'my_auth_service',
            'invokables' => array(
                'my_auth_service' => 'Zend\Authentication\AuthenticationService',

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