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File: /_sources/modules/zend.view.helpers.html-list.txt

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.. _zend.view.helpers.initial.htmllist:

View Helper - HtmlList

.. _zend.view.helpers.initial.htmllist.introduction:


``htmlList($items, $ordered, $attribs, $escape)``: generates unordered and ordered lists based on the ``$items``
passed to it. If ``$items`` is a multidimensional array, a nested list will be built. If the ``$escape`` flag is
``TRUE`` (default), individual items will be escaped using the view objects registered escaping mechanisms; pass
a ``FALSE`` value if you want to allow markup in your lists.

.. _zend.view.helpers.initial.htmllist.basicusage:

Basic Usage

.. _zend.view.helpers.initial.htmllist.basicusage.unordered-list:

Unordered list

.. code-block:: php

   $items = array(
       'Level one, number one',
           'Level two, number one',
           'Level two, number two',
               'Level three, number one'
           'Level two, number three',
       'Level one, number two',

   echo $this->htmlList($items);


.. code-block:: html

       <li>Level one, number one
               <li>Level two, number one</li>
               <li>Level two, number two
                       <li>Level three, number one</li>
               <li>Level two, number three</li>
       <li>Level one, number two</li>

.. _zend.view.helpers.initial.htmllist.basicusage.ordered-list:

Ordered list

.. code-block:: php

   echo $this->htmlList($items, true);


.. code-block:: html

       <li>Level one, number one
               <li>Level two, number one</li>
               <li>Level two, number two
                       <li>Level three, number one</li>
               <li>Level two, number three</li>
       <li>Level one, number two</li>

.. _zend.view.helpers.initial.htmllist.basicusage.html-attributes:

HTML attributes

.. code-block:: php

   $attribs = array(
       'class' => 'foo',

   echo $this->htmlList($items, false, $attribs);


.. code-block:: html

   <ul class="foo">
       <li>Level one, number one
           <ul class="foo">
               <li>Level two, number one</li>
               <li>Level two, number two
                   <ul class="foo">
                       <li>Level three, number one</li>
               <li>Level two, number three</li>
       <li>Level one, number two</li>

.. _zend.view.helpers.initial.htmllist.basicusage.escape-output:

Escape Output

.. code-block:: php

   $items = array(
       'Level one, number <strong>one</strong>',
       'Level one, number <em>two</em>',

   // Escape output (default)
   echo $this->htmlList($items);

   // Don't escape output
   echo $this->htmlList($items, false, false, false);


.. code-block:: html

   <!-- Escape output (default) -->
   <ul class="foo">
       <li>Level one, number &lt;strong&gt;one&lt;/strong&gt;</li>
       <li>Level one, number &lt;em&gt;two&lt;/em&gt;</li>

   <!-- Don't escape output -->
   <ul class="foo">
       <li>Level one, number <strong>one</strong></li>
       <li>Level one, number <em>two</em></li>

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