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File: /_sources/modules/zend.view.helpers.base-path.txt

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.. _zend.view.helpers.initial.basepath:

View Helper - BasePath

.. _zend.view.helpers.initial.basepath.introduction:


While most *URL*\ s generated by the framework have the base *URL* prepended automatically,
developers will need to prepend the base *URL* to their own *URL*\ s (usually inside an href
attribute) in order for paths to resources to be correct.

If you're running on ZF2's MVC base, ``basePath()`` will point to the ``public`` folder of the
application's root.

.. _zend.view.helpers.initial.basepath.basic_usage:

Basic Usage

Usage of the ``basePath()`` helper is straightforward:

.. code-block:: php

    * The following assume that the base URL of the page/application is "/mypage".

    * Prints:
    * <base href="/mypage/" />
   <base href="<?php echo $this->basePath(); ?>" />

    * Prints:
    * <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/mypage/css/base.css" />
   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
        href="<?php echo $this->basePath('css/base.css'); ?>" />

.. note::

   For simplicity's sake, we strip out the entry *PHP* file (e.g., "``index.php``") from the base *URL* .
   However, in some situations this may cause a problem. If one occurs, use
   ``$this->plugin('basePath')->setBasePath()`` to manually set the base path.

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