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File: /_sources/modules/zend.validator.hex.txt

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.. _zend.validator.hex:

Hex Validator

``Zend\Validator\Hex`` allows you to validate if a given value contains only hexadecimal characters. These are all
characters from **0 to 9** and **A to F** case insensitive. There is no length limitation for the input you want to

.. code-block:: php

   $validator = new Zend\Validator\Hex();
   if ($validator->isValid('123ABC')) {
       // value contains only hex chars
   } else {
       // false

.. note::

   **Invalid characters**

   All other characters will return false, including whitespace and decimal point. Also unicode zeros and numbers
   from other scripts than latin will not be treated as valid.

.. _zend.validator.hex.options:

Supported options for Zend\\Validator\\Hex

There are no additional options for ``Zend\Validator\Hex``:

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