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.. _zend.stdlib.hydrator.strategy:


You can add a ``Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\Strategy\StrategyInterface`` to any of the hydrators
(expect it extends ``Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\AbstractHydrator`` or implements
``Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\HydratorInterface`` and ``Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\Strategy\StrategyEnabledInterface``)
to manipulate the way how they behave on ``extract()`` and ``hydrate()`` for specific key / value pairs.
This is the interface that needs to be implemented:

.. code-block:: php

   namespace Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\Strategy;

   interface StrategyInterface
         * Converts the given value so that it can be extracted by the hydrator.
         * @param mixed $value The original value.
         * @return mixed Returns the value that should be extracted.
        public function extract($value);
         * Converts the given value so that it can be hydrated by the hydrator.
         * @param mixed $value The original value.
         * @return mixed Returns the value that should be hydrated.
        public function hydrate($value);

As you can see, this interface is similar to ``Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\HydratorInterface``. The reason why is, that
the strategies provide a proxy implementation for ``hydrate()`` and ``extract()``.

.. _zend.stdlib.hydrator.strategy.usage:

Adding strategies to the hydrators

To allow strategies within your hydrator, the ``Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\Strategy\StrategyEnabledInterface``
provide the following methods:

.. code-block:: php

   namespace Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator;

   use Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\Strategy\StrategyInterface;

   interface StrategyEnabledInterface
        * Adds the given strategy under the given name.
        * @param string $name The name of the strategy to register.
        * @param StrategyInterface $strategy The strategy to register.
        * @return HydratorInterface
       public function addStrategy($name, StrategyInterface $strategy);

        * Gets the strategy with the given name.
        * @param string $name The name of the strategy to get.
        * @return StrategyInterface
       public function getStrategy($name);

        * Checks if the strategy with the given name exists.
        * @param string $name The name of the strategy to check for.
        * @return bool
       public function hasStrategy($name);

        * Removes the strategy with the given name.
        * @param string $name The name of the strategy to remove.
        * @return HydratorInterface
       public function removeStrategy($name);

Every hydrator, that is shipped by default, provides this functionality. The ``AbstractHydrator`` has it fully functional
implemented. If you want to use this functionality in your own hydrators, you should extend the ``AbstractHydrator``.

.. _zend.stdlib.hydrator.strategy.implementations:

Available implementations

- **Zend\\Stdlib\\Hydrator\\Strategy\\SerializableStrategy**

  This is a strategy that provides the functionality for ``Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\ArraySerializable``.
  You can use it with custom implementations for ``Zend\Serializer\Adapter\AdapterInterface`` if you want to.

- **Zend\\Stdlib\\Hydrator\\Strategy\\ClosureStrategy**

  This is a strategy that allows you to pass in a ``hydrate`` callback to be called in the event of
  hydration, and an ``extract`` callback to be called in the event of extraction.

- **Zend\\Stdlib\\Hydrator\\Strategy\\DefaultStrategy**

  This is a kind of dummy-implementation, that simply proxies everything through, without doing anything on the

.. _zend.stdlib.hydrator.strategy.custom:

Writing custom strategies

As usual, this is not really a very useful example, but will give you a good point about how to start with writing your own
strategies and where to use them. This strategy simply transform the value for the defined key to rot13 on ``extract()``
and back on ``hydrate()``:

.. code-block:: php

    class Rot13Strategy implements StrategyInterface
        public function extract($value)
            return str_rot13($value);

        public function hydrate($value)
            return str_rot13($value);

This is the example class, we want to use for the hydrator example:

.. code-block:: php

    class Foo
        protected $foo = null;
        protected $bar = null;

        public function getFoo()
            return $this->foo;

        public function setFoo($foo)
            $this->foo = $foo;

        public function getBar()
            return $this->bar;

        public function setBar($bar)
            $this->bar = $bar;

Now, we want to add the rot13 strategy to the method ``getFoo()`` and ``setFoo($foo)``:

.. code-block:: php

    $foo = new Foo();

    $hydrator = new ClassMethods();
    $hydrator->addStrategy("foo", new Rot13Strategy());

When you now use the hydrator, to get an array of the object $foo, this is the array you'll get:

.. code-block:: php

    $extractedArray = $hydrator->extract($foo);

    // array(2) {
    //     ["foo"]=>
    //     string(3) "one"
    //     ["bar"]=>
    //     string(3) "foo"
    // }

And the the way back:

.. code-block:: php

    $hydrator->hydrate($extractedArray, $foo)

    // object(Foo)#2 (2) {
    //   ["foo":protected]=>
    //   string(3) "bar"
    //   ["bar":protected]=>
    //   string(3) "foo"
    // }

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