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.. _zend.soap.wsdl:

WSDL Accessor

.. note::

   ``Zend\Soap\Wsdl`` class is used by ``Zend\Soap\Server`` component internally to operate with WSDL documents.
   Nevertheless, you could also use functionality provided by this class for your own needs. The ``Zend\Soap\Wsdl``
   package contains both a parser and a builder of WSDL documents.

   If you don't plan to do this, you can skip this documentation section.

.. _zend.soap.wsdl.constructor:

Zend\\Soap\\Wsdl constructor

``Zend\Soap\Wsdl`` constructor takes three parameters:

- ``$name`` - name of the Web Service being described.

- ``$uri`` - *URI* where the WSDL will be available (could also be a reference to the file in the filesystem.)

- ``$strategy`` - optional flag used to identify the strategy for complex types (objects) detection. To read more on
  complex type detection strategies go to the section: :ref:`Add complex types <zend.soap.wsdl.types.add_complex>`.

- ``$classMap`` - Optional array of class name translations from PHP Type (key) to WSDL type (value).

.. _zend.soap.wsdl.addmessage:

addMessage() method

``addMessage($name, $parts)`` method adds new message description to the WSDL document (/definitions/message

Each message correspond to methods in terms of ``Zend\Soap\Server`` and ``Zend\Soap\Client`` functionality.

``$name`` parameter represents the message name.

``$parts`` parameter is an array of message parts which describes *SOAP* call parameters. It's an associative array:
'part name' (SOAP call parameter name) => 'part type'.

Type mapping management is performed using ``addTypes()``, ``addTypes()`` and ``addComplexType()`` methods (see

.. note::

   Messages parts can use either 'element' or 'type' attribute for typing (see

   'element' attribute must refer to a corresponding element of data type definition. 'type' attribute refers to a
   corresponding complexType entry.

   All standard XSD types have both 'element' and 'complexType' definitions (see

   All non-standard types, which may be added using ``Zend\Soap\Wsdl::addComplexType()`` method, are described
   using 'complexType' node of '/definitions/types/schema/' section of WSDL document.

   So ``addMessage()`` method always uses 'type' attribute to describe types.

.. _zend.soap.wsdl.add_port_type:

addPortType() method

``addPortType($name)`` method adds new port type to the WSDL document (/definitions/portType) with the specified
port type name.

It joins a set of Web Service methods defined in terms of ``Zend\Soap\Server`` implementation.

See for the details.

.. _zend.soap.wsdl.add_port_operation:

addPortOperation() method

``addPortOperation($portType, $name, $input = false, $output = false, $fault = false)`` method adds new port
operation to the specified port type of the WSDL document (/definitions/portType/operation).

Each port operation corresponds to a class method (if Web Service is based on a class) or function (if Web Service
is based on a set of methods) in terms of ``Zend\Soap\Server`` implementation.

It also adds corresponding port operation messages depending on specified ``$input``, ``$output`` and ``$fault``

   .. note::

      ``Zend\Soap\Server`` component generates two messages for each port operation while describing service based
      on ``Zend\Soap\Server`` class:

         - input message with name *$methodName . 'Request'*.

         - output message with name *$methodName . 'Response'*.

See for the details.

.. _zend.soap.wsdl.add_binding:

addBinding() method

``addBinding($name, $portType)`` method adds new binding to the WSDL document (/definitions/binding).

'binding' WSDL document node defines message format and protocol details for operations and messages defined by a
particular portType (see

The method creates binding node and returns it. Then it may be used to fill with actual data.

``Zend\Soap\Server`` implementation uses *$serviceName . 'Binding'* name for 'binding' element of WSDL document.

.. _zend.soap.wsdl.add_binding_operation:

addBindingOperation() method

``addBindingOperation($binding, $name, $input = false, $output = false, $fault = false)`` method adds an operation
to a binding element (/definitions/binding/operation) with the specified name.

It takes an *XML_Tree_Node* object returned by ``addBinding()`` as an input (``$binding`` parameter) to add
'operation' element with input/output/false entries depending on specified parameters

``Zend\Soap\Server`` implementation adds corresponding binding entry for each Web Service method with input and
output entries defining 'soap:body' element as '<soap:body use="encoded"

See for the details.

.. _zend.soap.wsdl.add_soap_binding:

addSoapBinding() method

``addSoapBinding($binding, $style = 'document', $transport = '')`` method adds
*SOAP* binding ('soap:binding') entry to the binding element (which is already linked to some port type) with the
specified style and transport (Zend\\Soap\\Server implementation uses RPC style over *HTTP*).

'/definitions/binding/soap:binding' element is used to signify that the binding is bound to the *SOAP* protocol

See for the details.

.. _zend.soap.wsdl.add_soap_operation:

addSoapOperation() method

``addSoapOperation($binding, $soap_action)`` method adds *SOAP* operation ('soap:operation') entry to the binding
element with the specified action. 'style' attribute of the 'soap:operation' element is not used since programming
model (RPC-oriented or document-oriented) may be using ``addSoapBinding()`` method

'soapAction' attribute of '/definitions/binding/soap:operation' element specifies the value of the *SOAP*\ Action
header for this operation. This attribute is required for *SOAP* over *HTTP* and **must not** be specified for
other transports.

``Zend\Soap\Server`` implementation uses *$serviceUri . '#' . $methodName* for *SOAP* operation action name.

See for the details.

.. _zend.soap.wsdl.add_service:

addService() method

``addService($name, $port_name, $binding, $location)`` method adds '/definitions/service' element to the WSDL
document with the specified Wed Service name, port name, binding, and location.

WSDL 1.1 allows to have several port types (sets of operations) per service. This ability is not used by
``Zend\Soap\Server`` implementation and not supported by ``Zend\Soap\Wsdl`` class.

``Zend\Soap\Server`` implementation uses:

- *$name . 'Service'* as a Web Service name,

- *$name . 'Port'* as a port type name,

- *'tns:' . $name . 'Binding'* [#]_ as binding name,

- script *URI* [#]_ as a service URI for Web Service definition using classes.

where ``$name`` is a class name for the Web Service definition mode using class and script name for the Web Service
definition mode using set of functions.

See for the details.

.. _zend.soap.wsdl.types:

Type mapping

``ZendSoap`` WSDL accessor implementation uses the following type mapping between *PHP* and *SOAP* types:

- PHP strings <-> *xsd:string*.

- PHP integers <-> *xsd:int*.

- PHP floats and doubles <-> *xsd:float*.

- PHP booleans <-> *xsd:boolean*.

- PHP arrays <-> *soap-enc:Array*.

- PHP object <-> *xsd:struct*.

- *PHP* class <-> based on complex type strategy (See: :ref:`this section <zend.soap.wsdl.types.add_complex>`) [#]_.

- PHP void <-> empty type.

- If type is not matched to any of these types by some reason, then *xsd:anyType* is used.

Where *xsd:* is "" namespace, *soap-enc:* is a
"" namespace, *tns:* is a "target namespace" for a service.

.. _zend.soap.wsdl.types.retrieve:

Retrieving type information

``getType($type)`` method may be used to get mapping for a specified *PHP* type:

.. code-block:: php

   $wsdl = new Zend\Soap\Wsdl('My_Web_Service', $myWebServiceUri);

   $soapIntType = $wsdl->getType('int');

   class MyClass {
   $soapMyClassType = $wsdl->getType('MyClass');

.. _zend.soap.wsdl.types.add_complex:

Adding complex type information

``addComplexType($type)`` method is used to add complex types (PHP classes) to a WSDL document.

It's automatically used by ``getType()`` method to add corresponding complex types of method parameters or return

Its detection and building algorithm is based on the currently active detection strategy for complex types. You can
set the detection strategy either by specifying the class name as string or instance of a
``Zend\Soap\Wsdl\ComplexTypeStrategy`` implementation as the third parameter of the constructor or using the
``setComplexTypeStrategy($strategy)`` function of ``Zend\Soap\Wsdl``. The following detection strategies currently

- Class ``Zend\Soap\Wsdl\ComplexTypeStrategy\DefaultComplexType``: Enabled by default (when no third constructor
  parameter is set). Iterates over the public attributes of a class type and registers them as subtypes of the
  complex object type.

- Class ``Zend\Soap\Wsdl\ComplexTypeStrategy\AnyType``: Casts all complex types into the simple XSD type
  xsd:anyType. Be careful this shortcut for complex type detection can probably only be handled successfully by
  weakly typed languages such as *PHP*.

- Class ``Zend\Soap\Wsdl\ComplexTypeStrategy\ArrayOfTypeSequence``: This strategy allows to specify return
  parameters of the type: *int[]* or *string[]*. As of Zend Framework version 1.9 it can handle both simple *PHP*
  types such as int, string, boolean, float as well as objects and arrays of objects.

- Class ``Zend\Soap\Wsdl\ComplexTypeStrategy\ArrayOfTypeComplex``: This strategy allows to detect very complex
  arrays of objects. Objects types are detected based on the ``Zend\Soap\Wsdl\Strategy\DefaultComplexType`` and an
  array is wrapped around that definition.

- Class ``Zend\Soap\Wsdl\ComplexTypeStrategy\Composite``: This strategy can combine all strategies by connecting
  *PHP* Complex types (Classnames) to the desired strategy via the ``connectTypeToStrategy($type, $strategy)``
  method. A complete typemap can be given to the constructor as an array with ``$type``-> ``$strategy`` pairs. The
  second parameter specifies the default strategy that will be used if an unknown type is requested for adding.
  This parameter defaults to the ``Zend\Soap\Wsdl\Strategy\DefaultComplexType`` strategy.

``addComplexType()`` method creates '/definitions/types/xsd:schema/xsd:complexType' element for each described
complex type with name of the specified *PHP* class.

Class property **MUST** have docblock section with the described *PHP* type to have property included into WSDL

``addComplexType()`` checks if type is already described within types section of the WSDL document.

It prevents duplications if this method is called two or more times and recursion in the types definition section.

See for the details.

.. _zend.soap.wsdl.add_documentation:

addDocumentation() method

``addDocumentation($input_node, $documentation)`` method adds human readable documentation using optional
'wsdl:document' element.

'/definitions/binding/soap:binding' element is used to signify that the binding is bound to the *SOAP* protocol

See for the details.

.. _zend.soap.wsdl.retrieve:

Get finalized WSDL document

``toXML()``, ``toDomDocument()`` and ``dump($filename = false)`` methods may be used to get WSDL document as an
*XML*, DOM structure or a file.

.. [#] *'tns:' namespace* is defined as script *URI* (*'http://' .$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] .
.. [#] *'http://' .$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']*
.. [#] By default ``Zend\Soap\Wsdl`` will be created with the ``Zend\Soap\Wsdl\ComplexTypeStrategy\DefaultComplexType``
       class as detection algorithm for complex types. The first parameter of the AutoDiscover constructor
       takes any complex type strategy implementing ``Zend\Soap\Wsdl\ComplexTypeStrategy\ComplexTypeStrategyInterface``
       or a string with the name of the class. For backwards compatibility with ``$extractComplexType`` boolean 
       variables are parsed the following way: If ``TRUE``, ``Zend\Soap\Wsdl\ComplexTypeStrategy\DefaultComplexType``,
       if ``FALSE`` ``Zend\Soap\Wsdl\ComplexTypeStrategy\AnyType``.

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