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.. _zend.service-manager.lazy-services:

Lazy Services

``Zend\ServiceManager`` can use :ref:`delegator factories <zend.service-manager.delegator-factories>` to
generate "lazy" references to your services.

Lazy services are `proxies`_ that get lazily instantiated, and keep a reference to the real instance of
the proxied service.

Use cases

You may want to lazily initialize a service when it is instantiated very often, but not always used.

A typical example is a database connection: it is a dependency to many other elements in your application,
but that doesn't mean that every request will execute queries through it.

Additionally, instantiating a connection to the database may require some time and eat up resources.

Proxying the database connection would allow to delay that overhead until the object is really needed.


``Zend\ServiceManager\Proxy\LazyServiceFactory`` is a :ref:`delegator factory <zend.service-manager.delegator-factories>` capable of generating
lazy loading proxies for your services.

The ``LazyServiceFactory`` depends on `ProxyManager`_, so be sure to install it before going through
the following steps:

.. code-block:: sh

   php composer.phar require ocramius/proxy-manager:0.3.*

Practical example

To demonstrate how a lazy service works, you may use the following ``Buzzer`` example class, which
is designed to be slow at instantiation time for demonstration purposes:

.. code-block:: php

   namespace MyApp;

   class Buzzer
       public function __construct()
           // deliberately halting the application for 5 seconds

       public function buzz()
           return 'Buzz!';

You can then proceed and configure the service manager to generate proxies instead of real services:

.. code-block:: php

   $serviceManager = new \Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager();

   $config = array(
       'lazy_services' => array(
            // mapping services to their class names is required
            // since the ServiceManager is not a declarative DIC
            'class_map' => array(
                'buzzer' => 'MyApp\Buzzer',

   $serviceManager->setService('Config', $config);
   $serviceManager->setInvokableClass('buzzer', 'MyApp\Buzzer');
   $serviceManager->setFactory('LazyServiceFactory', 'Zend\ServiceManager\Proxy\LazyServiceFactoryFactory');
   $serviceManager->addDelegator('buzzer', 'LazyServiceFactory');

This will tell the service manager to use the ``LazyServiceFactory`` delegator factory to
instantiate the ``buzzer`` service.

As you may have noticed, the standard setup for the ``LazyServiceFactory`` requires you to define
a ``Config`` service. That's because the functionality was thought to be easily integrated into

You can now simply retrieve the ``buzzer``:

.. code-block:: php

   $buzzer = $serviceManager->get('buzzer');

   echo $buzzer->buzz();

To verify that the proxying occurred correctly, you can simply run the following code, which should delay
the 5 seconds wait time hardcoded in ``Buzzer::__construct`` until ``Buzzer::buzz`` is invoked:

.. code-block:: php

   for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i += 1) {
       $buzzer = $serviceManager->create('buzzer');

       echo "created buzzer $i\n";

   echo $buzzer->buzz();

The setup above can also be represented via configuration in an MVC application's context:

.. code-block:: php

   return array(
       'service_manager' => array(
           'invokables' => array(
               'buzzer' => 'MyApp\Buzzer',
           'delegators' => array(
               'buzzer' => array(
           'factories' => array(
               'LazyServiceFactory' => 'Zend\ServiceManager\Proxy\LazyServiceFactoryFactory',
       'lazy_services' => array(
           'class_map' => array(
               'buzzer' => 'MyApp\Buzzer',


This is the config structure expected by ``Zend\ServiceManager\Proxy\LazyServiceFactoryFactory``:

.. code-block:: php

   return array(
       'lazy_services' => array(

           // map of service names and their relative class names - this
           // is required since the service manager cannot know the
           // class name of defined services upfront
           'class_map' => array(
               // 'foo' => 'MyApplication\Foo',

           // directory where proxy classes will be written - default to system_get_tmp_dir()
           'proxies_target_dir' => null,

           // namespace of the generated proxies, default to "ProxyManagerGeneratedProxy"
           'proxies_namespace' => null,

            // whether the generated proxy classes should be written to disk or generated on-the-fly
            'write_proxy_files' => false,

.. _`proxies`:
.. _`ProxyManager`:

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