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.. _zend.service-manager:


.. _zend.service-manager.intro:


The `Service Locator design pattern`_ is implemented by the ``Zend\ServiceManager`` component.
The Service Locator is a  service/object locator, tasked with retrieving other objects.
Following is the ``Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface`` API:

.. code-block:: php

   namespace Zend\ServiceManager;

   interface ServiceLocatorInterface
       public function get($name);
       public function has($name);

- ``has($name)``, tests whether the ``ServiceManager`` has a named service;

- ``get($name)``, retrieves a service by the given name.

.. _zend.service-manager.api:

Additional API

A ``Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager`` is an implementation of the ``ServiceLocatorInterface``.
In addition to the above described methods, the ``ServiceManager`` provides additional API:

.. _zend.service-manager.api.service-registration:

Service registration

``ServiceManager::setService`` allows you to register an object as a service:

.. code-block:: php

    $serviceManager->setService('my-foo', new stdClass());
    $serviceManager->setService('my-settings', array('password' => 'super-secret'));

    var_dump($serviceManager->get('my-foo')); // an instance of stdClass
    var_dump($serviceManager->get('my-settings')); // array('password' => 'super-secret')

.. _zend.service-manager.api.lazy-loaded-objects:

Invokables (constructor-less services)

``ServiceManager::setInvokableClass`` allows you to tell the ``ServiceManager`` what class to instantiate when a
particular service is requested:

.. code-block:: php

   $serviceManager->setInvokableClass('foo-service-name', 'Fully\Qualified\Classname');

   var_dump($serviceManager->get('foo-service-name')); // an instance of Fully\Qualified\Classname

Classes registered as invokables must have no constructor defined, or constructors that allow
passing no arguments.

.. _zend.service-manager.api.service-factories:

Service factories

Instead of an actual object instance or a class name, you can tell the ``ServiceManager`` to invoke
a provided factory in order to get the object instance. Factories may be either a PHP `callback`_,
an object implementing ``Zend\ServiceManager\FactoryInterface``, or the name of a class
implementing that interface:

.. code-block:: php

   use Zend\ServiceManager\FactoryInterface;
   use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;

   class MyFactory implements FactoryInterface
       public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
           return new \stdClass();

   // registering a factory instance
   $serviceManager->setFactory('foo-service-name', new MyFactory());

   // registering a factory by factory class name
   $serviceManager->setFactory('bar-service-name', 'MyFactory');

   // registering a callback as a factory
   $serviceManager->setFactory('baz-service-name', function () { return new \stdClass(); });

   var_dump($serviceManager->get('foo-service-name')); // stdClass(1)
   var_dump($serviceManager->get('bar-service-name')); // stdClass(2)
   var_dump($serviceManager->get('baz-service-name')); // stdClass(3)

.. _zend.service-manager.api.service-aliasing:

Service aliasing

With ``ServiceManager::setAlias`` you can create aliases of any registered
service, factory or invokable, or even other aliases:

.. code-block:: php

   $foo      = new \stdClass();
   $foo->bar = 'baz!';

   $serviceManager->setService('my-foo', $foo);
   $serviceManager->setAlias('my-bar', 'my-foo');
   $serviceManager->setAlias('my-baz', 'my-bar');

   var_dump($serviceManager->get('my-foo')->bar); // baz!
   var_dump($serviceManager->get('my-bar')->bar); // baz!
   var_dump($serviceManager->get('my-baz')->bar); // baz!

.. _zend.service-manager.api.abstract-factories:

Abstract factories

An abstract factory can be considered as a "fallback" factory. If the
service manager was not able to find a service for the requested name, it will check the registered
abstract factories:

.. code-block:: php

   use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;
   use Zend\ServiceManager\AbstractFactoryInterface;

   class MyAbstractFactory implements AbstractFactoryInterface
       public function canCreateServiceWithName(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator, $name, $requestedName)
           // this abstract factory only knows about 'foo' and 'bar'
           return $requestedName === 'foo' || $requestedName === 'bar';

       public function createServiceWithName(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator, $name, $requestedName)
           $service = new \stdClass();

           $service->name = $requestedName;

           return $service;


   var_dump($serviceManager->get('foo')->name); // foo
   var_dump($serviceManager->get('bar')->name); // bar
   var_dump($serviceManager->get('baz')->name); // exception! Zend\ServiceManager\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException

.. _zend.service-manager.api.initializers:


You may want certain injection points to be always called. As an example, any object you load via
the service manager that implements ``Zend\EventManager\EventManagerAwareInterface`` should likely
receive an ``EventManager`` instance. **Initializers** can be either PHP `callbacks`_ or classes
implementing ``Zend\ServiceManager\InitializerInterface``. They receive the new instance, and can
then manipulate it:

.. code-block:: php

   use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;
   use Zend\ServiceManager\InitializerInterface;

   class MyInitializer implements InitializerInterface
       public function initialize($instance, ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
           if ($instance instanceof \stdClass) {
               $instance->initialized = 'initialized!';

   $serviceManager->setInvokableClass('my-service', 'stdClass');

   var_dump($serviceManager->get('my-service')->initialized); // initialized!

In addition to the above, the ``ServiceManager`` also provides optional ties to ``Zend\Di``, allowing ``Di`` to act
as an initializer or an abstract factory for the service manager.

.. _`Service Locator design pattern`:
.. _`callback`:
.. _`callbacks`:

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