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.. _zend.mvc.quick-start:

Quick Start

Now that you have basic knowledge of applications, modules, and how they are each structured, we'll show you the
easy way to get started.

.. _zend.mvc.quick-start.install:

Install the Zend Skeleton Application

The easiest way to get started is to grab the sample application and module repositories. This can be done in the
following ways.

.. _zend.mvc.quick-start.install.using-composer:

Using Composer

Simply clone the ``ZendSkeletonApplication`` repository:

.. code-block:: php

   prompt> git clone git:// my-application

Then run `Composer`_'s ``install`` command to install the ZF library and any other configured dependencies:

.. code-block:: php

   prompt> php ./composer.phar install

.. _zend.mvc.quick-start.install.using-git:

Using Git

Simply clone the ``ZendSkeletonApplication`` repository, using the ``--recursive`` option, which will also grab ZF.

.. code-block:: php

   prompt> git clone --recursive git:// my-application

.. _zend.mvc.quick-start.install.manual-installation:

Manual Installation

- Download a tarball of the ``ZendSkeletonApplication`` repository:

  - Zip:

  - Tarball:

- Deflate the archive you selected and rename the parent directory according to your project needs; we use
  "my-application" throughout this document.

- Install Zend Framework, and either have its library on your PHP ``include_path``, symlink the library into your
  project's "library", or install it directly into your application using Pyrus.

.. _zend.mvc.quick-start.create-a-new-module:

Create a New Module

By default, one module is provided with the ``ZendSkeletonApplication``, named "Application". It simply provides a
controller to handle the "home" page of the application, the layout template, and templates for 404 and error

Typically, you will not need to touch this other than to provide an alternate entry page for your site and/or
alternate error page.

Additional functionality will be provided by creating new modules.

To get you started with modules, we recommend using the ``ZendSkeletonModule`` as a base. Download it from here:

- Zip:

- Tarball:

Deflate the package, and rename the directory "ZendSkeletonModule" to reflect the name of the new module you want
to create; when done, move the module into your new project's ``module/`` directory.

At this point, it's time to create some functionality.

.. _zend.mvc.quick-start.update-the-module-class:

Update the Module Class

Let's update the module class. We'll want to make sure the namespace is correct, configuration is enabled and
returned, and that we setup autoloading on initialization. Since we're actively working on this module, the class
list will be in flux, we probably want to be pretty lenient in our autoloading approach, so let's keep it flexible
by using the ``StandardAutoloader``. Let's begin.

First, let's have ``autoload_classmap.php`` return an empty array:

.. code-block:: php

   // autoload_classmap.php
   return array();

We'll also edit our ``config/module.config.php`` file to read as follows:

.. code-block:: php

   return array(
       'view_manager' => array(
           'template_path_stack' => array(
               '<module-name>' => __DIR__ . '/../view'

Fill in "module-name" with a lowercased, dash-separated version of your module name -- e.g., "ZendUser" would
become "zend-user".

Next, edit the ``Module.php`` file to read as follows:

.. code-block:: php

   namespace <your module name here>;

   use Zend\ModuleManager\Feature\AutoloaderProviderInterface;
   use Zend\ModuleManager\Feature\ConfigProviderInterface;

   class Module implements AutoloaderProviderInterface, ConfigProviderInterface
       public function getAutoloaderConfig()
           return array(
               'Zend\Loader\ClassMapAutoloader' => array(
                   __DIR__ . '/autoload_classmap.php',
               'Zend\Loader\StandardAutoloader' => array(
                   'namespaces' => array(
                       __NAMESPACE__ => __DIR__ . '/src/' . __NAMESPACE__,

       public function getConfig()
           return include __DIR__ . '/config/module.config.php';

At this point, you now have your module configured properly. Let's create a controller!

.. _zend.mvc.quick-start.create-a-controller:

Create a Controller

Controllers are simply objects that implement ``Zend\Stdlib\DispatchableInterface``. This means they need to
implement a ``dispatch()`` method that takes minimally a ``Request`` object as an argument.

In practice, though, this would mean writing logic to branch based on matched routing within every controller. As
such, we've created two base controller classes for you to start with:

- ``Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController`` allows routes to match an "action". When matched, a method named
  after the action will be called by the controller. As an example, if you had a route that returned "foo" for the
  "action" key, the "fooAction" method would be invoked.

- ``Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractRestfulController`` introspects the ``Request`` to determine what HTTP method was
  used, and calls a method according to that.

  - ``GET`` will call either the ``getList()`` method, or, if an "id" was matched during routing, the ``get()``
    method (with that identifer value).

  - ``POST`` will call the ``create()`` method, passing in the ``$_POST`` values.

  - ``PUT`` expects an "id" to be matched during routing, and will call the ``update()`` method, passing in the
    identifier, and any data found in the raw post body.

  - ``DELETE`` expects an "id" to be matched during routing, and will call the ``delete()`` method.

To get started, we'll simply create a "hello world"-style controller, with a single action. First, create the
directory ``src/<module name>/Controller``, and then create the file ``HelloController.php`` inside it. Edit it in
your favorite text editor or IDE, and insert the following contents:

.. code-block:: php

   namespace <module name>\Controller;

   use Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController;
   use Zend\View\Model\ViewModel;

   class HelloController extends AbstractActionController
       public function worldAction()
           $message = $this->params()->fromQuery('message', 'foo');
           return new ViewModel(array('message' => $message));

So, what are we doing here?

- We're creating an action controller.

- We're defining an action, "world".

- We're pulling a message from the query parameters (yes, this is a superbly bad idea in production! Always
  sanitize your inputs!).

- We're returning a ViewModel with an array of values to be processed later.

We return a ``ViewModel``. The view layer will use this when rendering the view, pulling variables and the template
name from it. By default, you can omit the template name, and it will resolve to
"lowercase-controller-name/lowercase-action-name". However, you can override this to specify something different by
calling ``setTemplate()`` on the ``ViewModel`` instance. Typically, templates will resolve to files with a ".phtml"
suffix in your module's ``view`` directory.

So, with that in mind, let's create a view script.

.. _zend.mvc.quick-start.create-a-view-script:

Create a View Script

Create the directory ``view/<module-name>/hello``. Inside that directory, create a file named ``world.phtml``.
Inside that, paste in the following:

.. code-block:: php


   <p>You said "<?php echo $this->escapeHtml($message) ?>".</p>

That's it. Save the file.

.. note::

   What is the method ``escapeHtml()``? It's actually a :ref:`view helper <zend.view.helpers>`, and it's designed
   to help mitigate *XSS* attacks. Never trust user input; if you are at all uncertain about the source of a given
   variable in your view script, escape it using one of the :ref:`provided escape view helper <zend.view.helpers>`
   depending on the type of data you have.

.. _zend.mvc.quick-start.create-a-route:

View scripts for module names with subnamespaces

As per PSR-0, module should be named following this rule: ``\<Vendor Name>\(<Namespace>\)*``
Default controller class to template mapping does not work very well with those: it will remove subnamespace.

To address that issue new mapping was introduced since 2.3.0. To maintain backwards compatibility that
mapping is not enabled by default. To enable it, you need to add your module namespace to whitelist in your module config:

.. code-block:: php

   'view_manager' => array(
       // Controller namespace to template map
       // or whitelisting for controller FQCN to template mapping
       'controller_map' => array(
           '<Module\Name>' => true,

Now, create the directory ``view/<module>/<name>/hello``. Inside that directory, create a file named ``world.phtml``.
Inside that, paste in the following:

.. code-block:: php


   <p>You said "<?php echo $this->escapeHtml($message) ?>".</p>

Create a Route

Now that we have a controller and a view script, we need to create a route to it.

.. note::

   ``ZendSkeletonApplication`` ships with a "default route" that will likely get you to this action. That route
   basically expects "/{module}/{controller}/{action}", which allows you to specify this: "/zend-user/hello/world".
   We're going to create a route here mainly for illustration purposes, as creating explicit routes is a
   recommended practice. The application will look for a ``Zend\Mvc\Router\RouteStack`` instance to setup routing.
   The default generated router is a ``Zend\Mvc\Router\Http\TreeRouteStack``.

   To use the "default route" functionality, you will need to have the following route definition in your module.
   Replace <module-name> with the name of your module.

   .. code-block:: php

      // module.config.php
      return array(
          '<module-name>' => array(
              'type'    => 'Literal',
              'options' => array(
                  'route'    => '/<module-name>',
                  'defaults' => array(
                      'controller'    => '<module-namespace>\Controller\Index',
                      'action'        => 'index',
              'may_terminate' => true,
              'child_routes' => array(
                  'default' => array(
                      'type'    => 'Segment',
                      'options' => array(
                          'route'    => '/[:controller[/:action]]',
                          'constraints' => array(
                              'controller' => '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*',
                              'action'     => '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*',
                          'defaults' => array(
          // ... other configuration ...

Additionally, we need to tell the application we have a controller:

   .. code-block:: php

      // module.config.php
      return array(
          'controllers' => array(
              'invokables' => array(
                  '<module-namespace>\Controller\Index' => '<module-namespace>\Controller\IndexController',
                  // Do similar for each other controller in your module
         // ... other configuration ...

.. note::

   We inform the application about controllers we expect to have in the application. This is to prevent somebody
   requesting any service the ``ServiceManager`` knows about in an attempt to break the application. The dispatcher
   uses a special, scoped container that will only pull controllers that are specifically registered with it,
   either as invokable classes or via factories.

Open your ``config/module.config.php`` file, and modify it to add to the "routes" and "controller" parameters so it
reads as follows:

.. code-block:: php

   return array(
       'router' => array(
           'routes' => array(
               '<module name>-hello-world' => array(
                   'type'    => 'Literal',
                       'options' => array(
                       'route' => '/hello/world',
                       'defaults' => array(
                           'controller' => '<module name>\Controller\Hello',
                           'action'     => 'world',
       'controllers' => array(
           'invokables' => array(
               '<module namespace>\Controller\Hello' => '<module namespace>\Controller\HelloController',
       // ... other configuration ...

.. _zend.mvc.quick-start.tell-the-application-about-our-module:

Tell the Application About our Module

One problem: we haven't told our application about our new module!

By default, modules are not parsed unless we tell the module manager about them. As such, we need to notify the
application about them.

Remember the ``config/application.config.php`` file? Let's modify it to add our new module. Once done, it should
read as follows:

.. code-block:: php

   return array(
       'modules' => array(
           '<module namespace>',
       'module_listener_options' => array(
           'module_paths' => array(

Replace ``<module namespace>`` with the namespace of your module.

.. _zend.mvc.quick-start.test-it-out:

Test it Out!

Now we can test things out! Create a new vhost pointing its document root to the ``public`` directory of your
application, and fire it up in a browser. You should see the default homepage template of ZendSkeletonApplication.

Now alter the location in your URL to append the path "/hello/world", and load the page. You should now get the
following content:

.. code-block:: html


   <p>You said "foo".</p>

Now alter the location to append "?message=bar" and load the page. You should now get:

.. code-block:: html


   <p>You said "bar".</p>

Congratulations! You've created your first ZF2 MVC module!

.. _`Composer`:

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