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.. _zend.mvc.controller-plugins:

Controller Plugins

When using the ``AbstractActionController`` or ``AbstractRestfulController``, or if you implement the
``setPluginManager`` method in your custom controllers, you have access to a number of pre-built plugins.
Additionally, you can register your own custom plugins with the manager.

The built-in plugins are:

- :ref:`Zend\\Mvc\\Controller\\Plugin\\AcceptableViewModelSelector <zend.mvc.controller-plugins.acceptableviewmodelselector>`

- :ref:`Zend\\Mvc\\Controller\\Plugin\\FlashMessenger <zend.mvc.controller-plugins.flashmessenger>`

- :ref:`Zend\\Mvc\\Controller\\Plugin\\Forward <zend.mvc.controller-plugins.forward>`

- :ref:`Zend\\Mvc\\Controller\\Plugin\\Identity <zend.mvc.controller-plugins.identity>`

- :ref:`Zend\\Mvc\\Controller\\Plugin\\Layout <zend.mvc.controller-plugins.layout>`

- :ref:`Zend\\Mvc\\Controller\\Plugin\\Params <zend.mvc.controller-plugins.params>`

- :ref:`Zend\\Mvc\\Controller\\Plugin\\PostRedirectGet <zend.mvc.controller-plugins.postredirectget>`

- :ref:`Zend\\Mvc\\Controller\\Plugin\\Redirect <zend.mvc.controller-plugins.redirect>`

- :ref:`Zend\\Mvc\\Controller\\Plugin\\Url <zend.mvc.controller-plugins.url>`

If your controller implements the ``setPluginManager``, ``getPluginManager`` and ``plugin`` methods, you can access
these using their shortname via the ``plugin()`` method:

.. code-block:: php

   $plugin = $this->plugin('url');

For an extra layer of convenience, both ``AbstractActionController`` and ``AbstractRestfulController`` have
``__call()`` implementations that allow you to retrieve plugins via method calls:

.. code-block:: php

   $plugin = $this->url();

.. _zend.mvc.controller-plugins.acceptableviewmodelselector:

AcceptableViewModelSelector Plugin

The ``AcceptableViewModelSelector`` is a helper that can be used to select an appropriate view model based on
user defined criteria will be tested against the Accept header in the request.

As an example:

.. code-block:: php

   use Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController;
   use Zend\View\Model\JsonModel;

   class SomeController extends AbstractActionController
      protected $acceptCriteria = array(
         'Zend\View\Model\JsonModel' => array(
         'Zend\View\Model\FeedModel' => array(

      public function apiAction()
         $viewModel = $this->acceptableViewModelSelector($this->acceptCriteria);

         // Potentially vary execution based on model returned
         if ($viewModel instanceof JsonModel) {
            // ...

.. _zend.mvc.controller-plugins.flashmessenger:

The above would return a standard ``Zend\View\Model\ViewModel`` instance if the criteria is not met, and the
specified view model types if the specific criteria is met. Rules are matched in order, with the first match

FlashMessenger Plugin

The ``FlashMessenger`` is a plugin designed to create and retrieve self-expiring, session-based messages. It
exposes a number of methods:

.. function:: setSessionManager(Zend\\Session\\ManagerInterface $manager)

   Allows you to specify an alternate session manager, if desired.

   :rtype: ``Zend\Mvc\Controller\Plugin\FlashMessenger``

.. function:: getSessionManager()

   Allows you to retrieve the session manager registered.

   :rtype: ``Zend\Session\ManagerInterface``

.. function:: getContainer()

   Returns the ``Zend\Session\Container`` instance in which the flash messages are stored.

   :rtype: ``Zend\Session\Container``

.. function:: setNamespace(string $namespace = 'default')

   Allows you to specify a specific namespace in the container in which to store or from which to retrieve flash

   :rtype: ``Zend\Mvc\Controller\Plugin\FlashMessenger``

- ``getNamespace()`` retrieves the name of the flash message namespace.

.. function:: getNamespace()

   Retrieves the name of the flash message namespace.

   :rtype: ``string``

.. function:: addMessage(string $message)

   Allows you to add a message to the current namespace of the session container.

   :rtype: ``Zend\Mvc\Controller\Plugin\FlashMessenger``

.. function:: hasMessages()

   Lets you determine if there are any flash messages from the current namespace in the session container.

   :rtype: ``boolean``

.. function:: getMessages()

   Retrieves the flash messages from the current namespace of the session container

   :rtype: ``array``

.. function:: clearMessages()

   Clears all flash messages in current namespace of the session container. Returns ``true`` if messages were
   cleared, ``false`` if none existed.

   :rtype: ``boolean``

.. function:: hasCurrentMessages()

   Indicates whether any messages were added during the current request.

   :rtype: ``boolean``

.. function:: getCurrentMessages()

   Retrieves any messages added during the current request.

   :rtype: ``array``

.. function:: clearCurrentMessages()

   Removes any messages added during the current request. Returns ``true`` if current messages were cleared,
   ``false`` if none existed.

   :rtype: ``boolean``
.. function:: clearMessagesFromContainer()

   Clear all messages from the container. Returns ``true`` if any messages were cleared, ``false`` if none existed.

   :rtype: ``boolean``

This plugin also provides four meaningful namespaces, namely: INFO, ERROR, WARNING, SUCCESS. The following functions are related to these namespaces:
.. function:: addInfoMessage()
    Add a message to "info" namespace

   :rtype: ``Zend\Mvc\Controller\Plugin\FlashMessenger``
.. function:: hasCurrentInfoMessages()
    Check to see if messages have been added to "info" namespace within this request

   :rtype: ``boolean``
.. function:: addWarningMessage()
    Add a message to "warning" namespace

   :rtype: ``Zend\Mvc\Controller\Plugin\FlashMessenger``
.. function:: hasCurrentWarningMessages()
    Check to see if messages have been added to "warning" namespace within this request

   :rtype: ``boolean``

.. function:: addErrorMessage()
    Add a message to "error" namespace

   :rtype: ``Zend\Mvc\Controller\Plugin\FlashMessenger``
.. function:: hasCurrentErrorMessages()
    Check to see if messages have been added to "error" namespace within this request

   :rtype: ``boolean``
.. function:: addSuccessMessage()
    Add a message to "success" namespace
   :rtype: ``Zend\Mvc\Controller\Plugin\FlashMessenger``
.. function:: hasCurrentSuccessMessages()
    Check to see if messages have been added to "success" namespace within this request

   :rtype: ``boolean``
Additionally, the ``FlashMessenger`` implements both ``IteratorAggregate`` and ``Countable``, allowing you to
iterate over and count the flash messages in the current namespace within the session container.

.. _zend.mvc.controller-plugins.examples:

.. rubric:: Examples

.. code-block:: php

   public function processAction()
       // ... do some work ...
       $this->flashMessenger()->addMessage('You are now logged in.');
       return $this->redirect()->toRoute('user-success');

   public function successAction()
       $return = array('success' => true);
       $flashMessenger = $this->flashMessenger();
       if ($flashMessenger->hasMessages()) {
           $return['messages'] = $flashMessenger->getMessages();
       return $return;

.. _zend.mvc.controller-plugins.forward:

Forward Plugin

Occasionally, you may want to dispatch additional controllers from within the matched controller -- for instance,
you might use this approach to build up "widgetized" content. The ``Forward`` plugin helps enable this.

For the ``Forward`` plugin to work, the controller calling it must be ``ServiceLocatorAware``; otherwise, the
plugin will be unable to retrieve a configured and injected instance of the requested controller.

The plugin exposes a single method, ``dispatch()``, which takes two arguments:

- ``$name``, the name of the controller to invoke. This may be either the fully qualified class name, or an alias
  defined and recognized by the ``ServiceManager`` instance attached to the invoking controller.

- ``$params`` is an optional array of parameters with which to seed a ``RouteMatch`` object for purposes of this
  specific request. Meaning the parameters will be matched by their key to the routing identifiers in the config
  (otherwise non-matching keys are ignored)

``Forward`` returns the results of dispatching the requested controller; it is up to the developer to determine
what, if anything, to do with those results. One recommendation is to aggregate them in any return value from the
invoking controller.

As an example:

.. code-block:: php

   $foo = $this->forward()->dispatch('foo', array('action' => 'process'));
   return array(
       'somekey' => $somevalue,
       'foo'     => $foo,

.. _zend.mvc.controller-plugins.identity:

Identity Plugin

The ``Identity`` plugin allows for getting the identity from the ``AuthenticationService``.

For the ``Identity`` plugin to work, a ``Zend\Authentication\AuthenticationService`` name or alias must be
defined and recognized by the ``ServiceManager``.

``Identity`` returns the identity in the ``AuthenticationService`` or `null` if no identity is available.

As an example:

.. code-block:: php

   public function testAction()
       if ($user = $this->identity()) {
            // someone is logged !
       } else {
            // not logged in

When invoked, the ``Identity`` plugin will look for a service by the name or alias
``Zend\Authentication\AuthenticationService`` in the ``ServiceManager``.
You can provide this service to the ``ServiceManager`` in a configuration file:

.. code-block:: php

    // In a configuration file...
    return array(
        'service_manager' => array(
            'aliases' => array(
                'Zend\Authentication\AuthenticationService' => 'my_auth_service',
            'invokables' => array(
                'my_auth_service' => 'Zend\Authentication\AuthenticationService',

The ``Identity`` plugin exposes two methods:

.. function:: setAuthenticationService(Zend\\Authentication\\AuthenticationService $authenticationService)

   Sets the authentication service instance to be used by the plugin.

   :rtype: ``void``

.. function:: getAuthenticationService()

   Retrieves the current authentication service instance if any is attached.

   :rtype: ``Zend\Authentication\AuthenticationService``

.. _zend.mvc.controller-plugins.layout:

Layout Plugin

The ``Layout`` plugin allows for changing layout templates from within controller actions.

It exposes a single method, ``setTemplate()``, which takes one argument:

- ``$template``, the name of the template to set.

As an example:

.. code-block:: php


It also implements the ``__invoke`` magic method, which allows for even easier setting of the template:

.. code-block:: php


.. _zend.mvc.controller-plugins.params:

Params Plugin

The ``Params`` plugin allows for accessing parameters in actions from different sources.

It exposes several methods, one for each parameter source:

.. function:: fromFiles(string $name = null, mixed $default = null)

   For retrieving all or one single **file**. If ``$name`` is `null`, all files will be returned.

   :rtype: ``array|ArrayAccess|null``

.. function:: fromHeader(string $header = null, mixed $default = null)

   For retrieving all or one single **header** parameter. If ``$header`` is `null`, all header parameters will be

   :rtype: ``null|Zend\Http\Header\HeaderInterface``

.. function:: fromPost(string $param = null, mixed $default = null)

   For retrieving all or one single **post** parameter. If ``$param`` is `null`, all post parameters will be

   :rtype: ``mixed``

.. function:: fromQuery(string $param = null, mixed $default = null)

   For retrieving all or one single **query** parameter. If ``$param`` is `null`, all query parameters will be

   :rtype: ``mixed``

.. function:: fromRoute(string $param = null, mixed $default = null)

   For retrieving all or one single **route** parameter. If ``$param`` is `null`, all route parameters will be

   :rtype: ``mixed``

It also implements the ``__invoke`` magic method, which allows for short circuiting to the ``fromRoute`` method:

.. code-block:: php

    $this->params()->fromRoute('param', $default);
    // or
    $this->params('param', $default);

.. _zend.mvc.controller-plugins.postredirectget:

Post/Redirect/Get Plugin

When a user sends a POST request (e.g. after submitting a form), their browser will try to protect them from
sending the POST again, breaking the back button, causing browser warnings and pop-ups, and sometimes reposting
the form. Instead, when receiving a POST, we should store the data in a session container and redirect the user
to a GET request.

This plugin can be invoked with two arguments:

- ``$redirect``, a string containing the redirect location which can either be a named route or a URL, based on
  the contents of the second parameter.
- ``$redirectToUrl``, a boolean that when set to TRUE, causes the first parameter to be treated as a URL instead
  of a route name (this is required when redirecting to a URL instead of a route). This argument defaults to false.

When no arguments are provided, the current matched route is used.

.. rubric:: Example Usage

.. code-block:: php

   // Pass in the route/url you want to redirect to after the POST
   $prg = $this->prg('/user/register', true);

   if ($prg instanceof \Zend\Http\PhpEnvironment\Response) {
       // returned a response to redirect us
       return $prg;
   } elseif ($prg === false) {
       // this wasn't a POST request, but there were no params in the flash messenger
       // probably this is the first time the form was loaded
       return array('form' => $myForm);

   // $prg is an array containing the POST params from the previous request

   // ... your form processing code here

.. _zend.mvc.controller-plugins.file-postredirectget:

File Post/Redirect/Get Plugin

While similar to the standard :ref:`Post/Redirect/Get Plugin <zend.mvc.controller-plugins.postredirectget>`,
the File PRG Plugin will work for forms with file inputs.
The difference is in the behavior: The File PRG Plugin will interact
directly with your form instance and the file inputs, rather than *only* returning the POST params
from the previous request.

By interacting directly with the form, the File PRG Plugin will turn off any file inputs'
``required`` flags for already uploaded files (for a partially valid form state), as well as
run the file input filters to move the uploaded files into a new location
(configured by the user).

.. warning::

   You **must** attach a Filter for moving the uploaded files to a new location,
   such as the :ref:`RenameUpload Filter <zend.filter.file.rename-upload>`, or else your files will
   be removed upon the redirect.

This plugin can be invoked with three arguments:

- ``$form``: the form instance.
- ``$redirect``: (Optional) a string containing the redirect location which can either be a named route or a URL,
  based on the contents of the third parameter. If this argument is not provided, it will default to the current
  matched route.
- ``$redirectToUrl``: (Optional) a boolean that when set to TRUE, causes the second parameter to be treated as a
  URL instead of a route name (this is required when redirecting to a URL instead of a route). This argument
  defaults to false.

.. rubric:: Example Usage

.. code-block:: php

   $myForm = new Zend\Form\Form('my-form');
       'type' => 'Zend\Form\Element\File',
       'name' => 'file',
   // NOTE: Without a filter to move the file,
   //       our files will disappear between the requests
       new Zend\Filter\File\RenameUpload(array(
           'target'    => './data/tmpuploads/file',
           'randomize' => true,

   // Pass in the form and optional the route/url you want to redirect to after the POST
   $prg = $this->fileprg($myForm, '/user/profile-pic', true);

   if ($prg instanceof \Zend\Http\PhpEnvironment\Response) {
       // Returned a response to redirect us
       return $prg;
   } elseif ($prg === false) {
       // First time the form was loaded
       return array('form' => $myForm);

   // Form was submitted.
   // $prg is now an array containing the POST params from the previous request,
   // but we don't have to apply it to the form since that has already been done.

   // Process the form
   if ($form->isValid()) {
       // ...Save the form...
       return $this->redirect()->toRoute('/user/profile-pic/success');
   } else {
       // Form not valid, but file uploads might be valid and uploaded
       $fileErrors = $form->get('file')->getMessages();
       if (empty($fileErrors)) {
           $tempFile = $form->get('file')->getValue();

.. _zend.mvc.controller-plugins.redirect:

Redirect Plugin

Redirections are quite common operations within applications. If done manually, you will need to do the following

- Assemble a url using the router

- Create and inject a "Location" header into the ``Response`` object, pointing to the assembled URL

- Set the status code of the ``Response`` object to one of the 3xx HTTP statuses.

The ``Redirect`` plugin does this work for you. It offers three methods:

.. function:: toRoute(string $route = null, array $params = array(), array $options = array(), boolean $reuseMatchedParams = false)

   Redirects to a named route, using the provided ``$params`` and ``$options`` to assembled the URL.

   :rtype: ``Zend\Http\Response``

.. function:: toUrl(string $url)

   Simply redirects to the given URL.

   :rtype: ``Zend\Http\Response``

.. function:: refresh()

   Refresh to current route

   :rtype: ``Zend\Http\Response``

In each case, the ``Response`` object is returned. If you return this immediately, you can effectively
short-circuit execution of the request.

.. note::

    This plugin requires that the controller invoking it implements ``InjectApplicationEventInterface``, and thus
    has an ``MvcEvent`` composed, as it retrieves the router from the event object.

As an example:

.. code-block:: php

   return $this->redirect()->toRoute('login-success');

.. _zend.mvc.controller-plugins.url:

Url Plugin

Often you may want to generate URLs from route definitions within your controllers -- in order to seed the view,
generate headers, etc. While the ``MvcEvent`` object composes the router, doing so manually would require this

.. code-block:: php

   $router = $this->getEvent()->getRouter();
   $url    = $router->assemble($params, array('name' => 'route-name'));

The ``Url`` helper makes this slightly more convenient:

.. code-block:: php

   $url = $this->url()->fromRoute('route-name', $params);

The ``fromRoute()`` method is the only public method defined, and has the following signature:

.. code-block:: php

   public function fromRoute($route, array $params = array(), array $options = array())

.. note::

    This plugin requires that the controller invoking it implements ``InjectApplicationEventInterface``, and thus
    has an ``MvcEvent`` composed, as it retrieves the router from the event object.

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