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.. _zend.math.introduction:

Introduction to Zend\\Math

``Zend\Math`` namespace provides general mathematical functions. So far the supported functionalities are:

    - ``Zend\Math\Rand``, a random number generator;
    - ``Zend\Math\BigInteger``, a library to manage big integers.

We expect to add more functionalities in the future.

.. _zend.math.introduction.rand:

Random number generator

``Zend\Math\Rand`` implements a random number generator that is able to generate random numbers for general
purpose usage and for cryptographic scopes. To generate good random numbers this component uses the `OpenSSL`_ and
the `Mcrypt`_ extension of PHP. If you don't have the OpenSSL or the Mcrypt extension installed in your
environment the component will use the `mt_rand`_ function of PHP as fallback. The ``mt_rand`` is not considered
secure for cryptographic purpose, that means if you will try to use it to generate secure random number the class
will throw an exception.

In particular, the algorithm that generates random bytes in ``Zend\Math\Rand`` tries to call the
`openssl_random_pseudo_bytes`_ function of the OpenSSL extension if installed. If the OpenSSL extension is not
present in the system the algorithm tries to use the the `mcrypt_create_iv`_ function of the Mcrypt extension
(using the ``MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM`` parameter). Finally, if the OpenSSL and Mcrypt are not installed the generator
uses the ``mt_rand`` function of PHP.

The ``Zend\Math\Rand`` class offers the following methods to generate random values:

    - ``getBytes($length, $strong = false)`` to generate a random set of ``$length`` bytes;
    - ``getBoolean($strong = false)`` to generate a random boolean value (true or false);
    - ``getInteger($min, $max, $strong = false)`` to generate a random integer between ``$min`` and ``$max``;
    - ``getFloat($strong = false)`` to generate a random float number between 0 and 1;
    - ``getString($length, $charlist = null, $strong = false)`` to generate a random string of $length characters
      using the alphabet $charlist (if not provided the default alphabet is the `Base64`_).

In all these methods the parameter ``$strong`` specify the usage of a strong random number generator. We suggest to
set the $strong to true if you need to generate random number for cryptographic and security implementation.

If ``$strong`` is set to true and you try to generate random values in a PHP environment without the OpenSSL and
the Mcrypt extensions the component will throw an Exception.

Below we reported an example on how to generate random data using ``Zend\Math\Rand``.

.. code-block:: php

   use Zend\Math\Rand;

   $bytes = Rand::getBytes(32, true);
   printf("Random bytes (in Base64): %s\n", base64_encode($bytes));

   $boolean = Rand::getBoolean();
   printf("Random boolean: %s\n", $boolean ? 'true' : 'false');

   $integer = Rand::getInteger(0,1000);
   printf("Random integer in [0-1000]: %d\n", $integer);

   $float = Rand::getFloat();
   printf("Random float in [0-1): %f\n", $float);

   $string = Rand::getString(32, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', true);
   printf("Random string in latin alphabet: %s\n", $string);

Big integers

``Zend\Math\BigInteger\BigInteger`` offers a class to manage arbitrary length integer. PHP supports integer
numbers with a maximum value of ``PHP_INT_MAX``. If you need to manage integers bigger than ``PHP_INT_MAX``
you have to use external libraries or PHP extensions like `GMP`_ or `BC Math`_.

``Zend\Math\BigInteger\BigInteger`` is able to manage big integers using the GMP or the BC Math extensions as

The mathematical functions implemented in ``Zend\Math\BigInteger\BigInteger`` are:

    - ``add($leftOperand, $rightOperand)``, add two big integers;
    - ``sub($leftOperand, $rightOperand)``, subtract two big integers;
    - ``mul($leftOperand, $rightOperand)``, multiply two big integers;
    - ``div($leftOperand, $rightOperand)``, divide two big integers (this method returns only integer part
      of result);
    - ``pow($operand, $exp)``, raise a big integers to another;
    - ``sqrt($operand)``, get the square root of a big integer;
    - ``abs($operand)``, get the absolute value of a big integer;
    - ``mod($leftOperand, $modulus)``, get modulus of a big integer;
    - ``powmod($leftOperand, $rightOperand, $modulus)``, raise a big integer to another, reduced by a 
      specified modulus;
    - ``comp($leftOperand, $rightOperand)``, compare two big integers, returns < 0 if leftOperand is less
      than rightOperand; > 0 if leftOperand is greater than rightOperand, and 0 if they are equal;
    - ``intToBin($int, $twoc = false)``, convert big integer into it's binary number representation;
    - ``binToInt($bytes, $twoc = false)``, convert binary number into big integer;
    - ``baseConvert($operand, $fromBase, $toBase = 10)``, convert a number between arbitrary bases;

Below is reported an example using the BC Math adapter to calculate the sum of two integer random numbers with
100 digits.

.. code-block:: php

   use Zend\Math\BigInteger\BigInteger;
   use Zend\Math\Rand;

   $bigInt = BigInteger::factory('bcmath');

   $x = Rand::getString(100,'0123456789');
   $y = Rand::getString(100,'0123456789');

   $sum = $bigInt->add($x, $y);
   $len = strlen($sum);

   printf("%{$len}s +\n%{$len}s =\n%s\n%s\n", $x, $y, str_repeat('-', $len), $sum);

As you can see in the code the big integers are managed using strings. Even the result of the sum is 
represented as a string.

Below is reported another example using the BC Math adapter to generate the binary representation of a
negative big integer of 100 digits.

.. code-block:: php

   use Zend\Math\BigInteger\BigInteger;
   use Zend\Math\Rand;

   $bigInt = BigInteger::factory('bcmath');

   $digit = 100;
   $x = '-' . Rand::getString($digit,'0123456789');

   $byte = $bigInt->intToBin($x);

   printf("The binary representation of the big integer with $digit digit:\n%s\nis (in Base64 format): %s\n",
          $x, base64_encode($byte));
   printf("Length in bytes: %d\n", strlen($byte));

   $byte = $bigInt->intToBin($x, true);

   printf("The two's complement binary representation of the big integer with $digit digit:\n%s\nis (in Base64 format): %s\n",
          $x, base64_encode($byte));
   printf("Length in bytes: %d\n", strlen($byte));

We generated the binary representation of the big integer number using the default binary format and the
`two's complement`_ representation (specified with the ``true`` parameter in the ``intToBin`` function).

.. _`OpenSSL`:
.. _`Mcrypt`:
.. _`mt_rand`:
.. _`openssl_random_pseudo_bytes`:
.. _`mcrypt_create_iv`:
.. _`Base64`:
.. _`GMP`:
.. _`BC Math`:
.. _`two's complement`:

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