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File: /_sources/modules/zend.mail.transport.txt

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.. _zend.mail.transport:


.. _zend.mail.transport.intro:


Transports take care of the actual delivery of mail. Typically, you only need to worry about two possibilities:
using PHP's native ``mail()`` functionality, which uses system resources to deliver mail, or using the *SMTP*
protocol for delivering mail via a remote server. Zend Framework also includes a "File" transport, which creates a
mail file for each message sent; these can later be introspected as logs or consumed for the purposes of sending
via an alternate transport mechanism later.

The ``Zend\Mail\Transport`` interface defines exactly one method, ``send()``. This method accepts a
``Zend\Mail\Message`` instance, which it then introspects and serializes in order to send.

.. _zend.mail.transport.quick-start:

Quick Start

Using a mail transport is typically as simple as instantiating it, optionally configuring it, and then passing a
message to it.

.. _zend.mail.transport.quick-start.sendmail-usage:

Sendmail Transport Usage

.. code-block:: php

   use Zend\Mail\Message;
   use Zend\Mail\Transport\Sendmail as SendmailTransport;

   $message = new Message();
           ->setSubject('Greetings and Salutations!')
           ->setBody("Sorry, I'm going to be late today!");

   $transport = new SendmailTransport();

.. _zend.mail.transport.quick-start.smtp-usage:

SMTP Transport Usage

.. code-block:: php

   use Zend\Mail\Message;
   use Zend\Mail\Transport\Smtp as SmtpTransport;
   use Zend\Mail\Transport\SmtpOptions;

   $message = new Message();
           ->setSubject('Greetings and Salutations!')
           ->setBody("Sorry, I'm going to be late today!");

   // Setup SMTP transport using LOGIN authentication
   $transport = new SmtpTransport();
   $options   = new SmtpOptions(array(
       'name'              => 'localhost.localdomain',
       'host'              => '',
       'connection_class'  => 'login',
       'connection_config' => array(
           'username' => 'user',
           'password' => 'pass',

.. _zend.mail.transport.quick-start.file-usage:

File Transport Usage

.. code-block:: php

   use Zend\Mail\Message;
   use Zend\Mail\Transport\File as FileTransport;
   use Zend\Mail\Transport\FileOptions;

   $message = new Message();
           ->setSubject('Greetings and Salutations!')
           ->setBody("Sorry, I'm going to be late today!");

   // Setup File transport
   $transport = new FileTransport();
   $options   = new FileOptions(array(
       'path'              => 'data/mail/',
       'callback'  => function (FileTransport $transport) {
           return 'Message_' . microtime(true) . '_' . mt_rand() . '.txt';

.. _zend.mail.transport.quick-start.inmemory-usage:

InMemory Transport Usage

.. code-block:: php

   use Zend\Mail\Message;
   use Zend\Mail\Transport\InMemory as InMemoryTransport;

   $message = new Message();
           ->setSubject('Greetings and Salutations!')
           ->setBody("Sorry, I'm going to be late today!");

   // Setup InMemory transport
   $transport = new InMemoryTransport();

   // Verify the message:
   $received = $transport->getLastMessage();

The InMemory transport is primarily of interest when in development or when

Migration from 2.0-2.3 to 2.4+

Version 2.4 adds support for PHP 7. In PHP 7, ``null`` is a reserved keyword,
which required renaming the ``Null`` transport. If you were using the ``Null`` transport
directly previously, you will now receive an ``E_USER_DEPRECATED`` notice on
instantiation. Please update your code to refer to the ``InMemory`` class instead.

Users pulling their ``Null`` transport instance from the transport factory
(``Zend\Mail\Transport\Factory``) receive an ``InMemory`` instance instead
starting in 2.4.0.

.. _zend.mail.transport.options:

Configuration Options

Configuration options are per transport. Please follow the links below for transport-specific options.

- :ref:`SMTP Transport Options <zend.mail.smtp-options>`

- :ref:`File Transport Options <zend.mail.file-options>`

.. _zend.mail.transport.methods:

Available Methods

.. _zend.mail.transport.methods.send:

   ``send(Zend\Mail\Message $message)``

   Send a mail message.

   Returns void

.. _zend.mail.transport.examples:


Please see the :ref:`Quick Start section <zend.mail.transport.quick-start>` for examples.

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