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File: /_sources/modules/zend.http.headers.txt

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.. _zend.http.headers:

The Headers Class

.. _zend.http.headers.intro:


The ``Zend\Http\Headers`` class is a container for HTTP headers. It is typically accessed as part of a
``Zend\Http\Request`` or ``Zend\Http\Response`` ``getHeaders()`` call. The Headers container will lazily load
actual Header objects as to reduce the overhead of header specific parsing.

The ``Zend\Http\Header\*`` classes are the domain specific implementations for the various types of Headers that
one might encounter during the typical HTTP request. If a header of unknown type is encountered, it will be
implemented as a ``Zend\Http\Header\GenericHeader`` instance. See the below table for a list of the various HTTP
headers and the API that is specific to each header type.

.. _zend.http.headers.quick-start:

Quick Start

The quickest way to get started interacting with header objects is by getting an already populated Headers
container from a request or response object.

.. code-block:: php

   // $client is an instance of Zend\Http\Client

   // You can retrieve the request headers by first retrieving
   // the Request object and then calling getHeaders on it
   $requestHeaders  = $client->getRequest()->getHeaders();

   // The same method also works for retrieving Response headers
   $responseHeaders = $client->getResponse()->getHeaders();

``Zend\Http\Headers`` can also extract headers from a string:

.. code-block:: php

   $headerString = <<<EOB
   Content-Type: text/html
   Content-Length: 1337

   $headers = Zend\Http\Headers::fromString($headerString);
   // $headers is now populated with three objects
   //   (1) Zend\Http\Header\Host
   //   (2) Zend\Http\Header\ContentType
   //   (3) Zend\Http\Header\ContentLength

Now that you have an instance of ``Zend\Http\Headers`` you can manipulate the individual headers it contains using
the provided public API methods outlined in the ":ref:`Available Methods<zend.http.headers.methods>`" section.

.. _zend.http.headers.options:

Configuration Options

No configuration options are available.

.. _zend.http.headers.methods:

Available Methods

.. _zend.http.headers.methods.from-string:

   ``Headers::fromString(string $string)``

   Populates headers from string representation

   Parses a string for headers, and aggregates them, in order, in the current instance, primarily as strings until
   they are needed (they will be lazy loaded).

   Returns ``Zend\Http\Headers``

.. _zend.http.headers.methods.set-plugin-class-loader:

   ``setPluginClassLoader(Zend\Loader\PluginClassLocator $pluginClassLoader)``

   Set an alternate implementation for the plugin class loader

   Returns ``Zend\Http\Headers``

.. _zend.http.headers.methods.get-plugin-class-loader:


   Return an instance of a ``Zend\Loader\PluginClassLocator``, lazyload and inject map if necessary.

   Returns ``Zend\Loader\PluginClassLocator``

.. _zend.http.headers.methods.add-headers:

   ``addHeaders(array|Traversable $headers)``

   Add many headers at once

   Expects an array (or ``Traversable`` object) of type/value pairs.

   Returns ``Zend\Http\Headers``

.. _zend.http.headers.methods.add-header-line:

   ``addHeaderLine(string $headerFieldNameOrLine, string $fieldValue)``

   Add a raw header line, either in name => value, or as a single string 'name: value'

   This method allows for lazy-loading in that the parsing and instantiation of Header object will be delayed until
   they are retrieved by either ``get()`` or ``current()``.

   Returns ``Zend\Http\Headers``

.. _zend.http.headers.methods.add-header:

   ``addHeader(Zend\Http\Header\HeaderInterface $header)``

   Add a Header to this container, for raw values see ``addHeaderLine()`` and ``addHeaders()``.

   Returns ``Zend\Http\Headers``

.. _zend.http.headers.methods.remove-header:

   ``removeHeader(Zend\Http\Header\HeaderInterface $header)``

   Remove a Header from the container

   Returns bool

.. _zend.http.headers.methods.clear-headers:


   Clear all headers

   Removes all headers from queue

   Returns ``Zend\Http\Headers``

.. _zend.http.headers.methods.get:

   ``get(string $name)``

   Get all headers of a certain name/type

   Returns false| ``Zend\Http\Header\HeaderInterface``\ | ``ArrayIterator``

.. _zend.http.headers.methods.has:

   ``has(string $name)``

   Test for existence of a type of header

   Returns bool



   Advance the pointer for this object as an iterator

   Returns void

.. _zend.http.headers.methods.key:


   Return the current key for this object as an iterator

   Returns mixed

.. _zend.http.headers.methods.valid:


   Is this iterator still valid?

   Returns bool

.. _zend.http.headers.methods.rewind:


   Reset the internal pointer for this object as an iterator

   Returns void

.. _zend.http.headers.methods.current:


   Return the current value for this iterator, lazy loading it if need be

   Returns ``Zend\Http\Header\HeaderInterface``

.. _zend.http.headers.methods.count:


   Return the number of headers in this container. If all headers have not been parsed, actual count could increase
   if MultipleHeader objects exist in the Request/Response. If you need an exact count, iterate.

   Returns int



   Render all headers at once

   This method handles the normal iteration of headers; it is up to the concrete classes to prepend with the
   appropriate status/request line.

   Returns string



   Return the headers container as an array

   Returns array

.. _zend.http.headers.methods.force-loading:


   By calling this, it will force parsing and loading of all headers, after this ``count()`` will be accurate

   Returns bool

.. _zend.http.headers.header-description:

Zend\\Http\\Header\\HeaderInterface Methods

.. _zend.http.header.generic-header.methods.from-string:

   ``fromString(string $headerLine)``

   Factory to generate a header object from a string

   Returns ``Zend\Http\Header\GenericHeader``

.. _zend.http.header.generic-header.methods.get-field-name:


   Retrieve header field name

   Returns string

.. _zend.http.header.generic-header.methods.get-field-value:


   Retrieve header field value

   Returns string



   Cast to string as a well formed HTTP header line

   Returns in form of "NAME: VALUE"

   Returns string

.. _zend.http.header.abstractaccept.methods:

Zend\\Http\\Header\\AbstractAccept Methods

   ``parseHeaderLine(string $headerLine)``

   Parse the given header line and add the values

   Returns void

   ``getFieldValuePartsFromHeaderLine(string $headerLine)``

   Parse the Field Value Parts represented by a header line

   Throws ``Zend\Http\Header\Exception\InvalidArgumentException`` if the header is invalid

   Returns array

   ``getFieldValue(array|null $values = null)``

   Get field value

   Returns string

   ``match(array|string $matchAgainst)``

   Match a media string against this header. Returns the matched value or false

   Returns ``Accept\FieldValuePart\AcceptFieldValuePart`` or bool


   Returns all the keys, values and parameters this header represents

   Returns array

.. _zend.http.header.abstractdate.methods:

Zend\\Http\\Header\\AbstractDate Methods

   static ``setDateFormat(int $format)``

   Set date output format.

   Returns void

   static ``getDateFormat()``

   Return current date output format

   Returns string

   ``setDate(string|DateTime $date)``

   Set the date for this header, this can be a string or an instance of \DateTime

   Throws ``Zend\Http\Header\Exception\InvalidArgumentException`` if the date is neither a valid string
   nor an instance of ``\DateTime``.

   Returns self


   Return date for this header

   Returns self

   ``compareTo(string|DateTime $date)``

   Compare provided date to date for this header.
   Returns < 0 if date in header is less than ``$date``; > 0 if it's greater, and 0 if they are equal.
   See `strcmp <>`_.

   Returns int


   Return date for this header as an instance of ``\DateTime``

   Returns ``\DateTime``

   ``fromTimestamp(int $time)``

   Create date-based header from Unix timestamp

   Returns self

   ``fromTimeString(string $time)``

   Create date-based header from strtotime()-compatible string

   Returns self

.. _zend.http.header.abstractlocation.methods:

Zend\\Http\\Header\\AbstractLocation Methods

   ``setUri(string|Zend\Uri\UriInterface $uri)``

   Set the URI/URL for this header, this can be a string or an instance of ``Zend\Uri\Http``

   Throws ``Zend\Http\Header\Exception\InvalidArgumentException`` if ``$uri`` is neither a valid
   URL nor an instance of ``Zend\Uri\UriInterface``.

   Returns self


   Return the URI for this header

   Returns string


   Return the URI for this header as an instance of ``Zend\Uri\Http``

   Returns ``Zend\Uri\UriInterface``

.. _zend.http.header-types.list:

List of HTTP Header Types

Some header classes expose methods for manipulating their value. The following list contains all of the
classes available in the ``Zend\Http\Header\*`` namespace, as well as any specific methods they contain. All
these classes implement ``Zend\Http\Header\HeaderInterface`` and its :ref:`methods<zend.http.headers.header-description>`.

.. _zend.http.header.accept.methods:

   See ``Zend\Http\Header\AbstractAccept`` :ref:`methods<zend.http.header.abstractaccept.methods>`.

   ``addMediaType(string $type, int|float $priority = 1)``
      Add a media type, with the given priority

      Returns self

   ``hasMediaType(string $type)``
      Does the header have the requested media type?

      Returns bool

.. _zend.http.header.acceptcharset.methods:

   See ``Zend\Http\Header\AbstractAccept`` :ref:`methods<zend.http.header.abstractaccept.methods>`.

   ``addCharset(string $type, int|float $priority = 1)``
      Add a charset, with the given priority

      Returns self

   ``hasCharset(string $type)``
      Does the header have the requested charset?

      Returns bool

.. _zend.http.header.acceptencoding.methods:

   See ``Zend\Http\Header\AbstractAccept`` :ref:`methods<zend.http.header.abstractaccept.methods>`.

   ``addEncoding(string $type, int|float $priority = 1)``
      Add an encoding, with the given priority

      Returns self

   ``hasEncoding(string $type)``
      Does the header have the requested encoding?

      Returns bool

.. _zend.http.header.acceptlanguage.methods:

   See ``Zend\Http\Header\AbstractAccept`` :ref:`methods<zend.http.header.abstractaccept.methods>`.

   ``addLanguage(string $type, int|float $priority = 1)``
      Add a language, with the given priority

      Returns self

   ``hasLanguage(string $type)``
      Does the header have the requested language?

      Returns bool

.. _zend.http.header.acceptranges.methods:



.. _zend.http.header.age.methods:

      Get number of seconds

      Returns int

      Set number of seconds

      Returns self

.. _zend.http.header.allow.methods:

      Get list of all defined methods

      Returns array

      Get list of allowed methods

      Returns array

   ``allowMethods(array|string $allowedMethods)``
      Allow methods or list of methods

      Returns self

   ``disallowMethods(array|string $allowedMethods)``
      Disallow methods or list of methods

      Returns self

   ``denyMethods(array|string $allowedMethods)``
      Convenience alias for ``disallowMethods()``

      Returns self

   ``isAllowedMethod(string $method)``
      Check whether method is allowed

      Returns bool

.. _zend.http.header.authenticationinfo.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.authorization.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.cachecontrol.methods:

      Checks if the internal directives array is empty

      Returns bool

   ``addDirective(string $key, string|bool $value)``
      Add a directive

      For directives like 'max-age=60', $value = '60'

      For directives like 'private', use the default $value = true

      Returns self

   ``hasDirective(string $key)``
      Check the internal directives array for a directive

      Returns bool

   ``getDirective(string $key)``
      Fetch the value of a directive from the internal directive array

      Returns string|null

   ``removeDirective(string $key)``
      Remove a directive

      Returns self

.. _zend.http.header.connection.methods:

      Set arbitrary header value

      RFC allows any token as value, 'close' and 'keep-alive' are commonly used

      Returns self

      Whether the connection is persistent

      Returns bool

   ``setPersistent(bool $flag)``
      Set Connection header to define persistent connection

      Returns self

.. _zend.http.header.contentdisposition.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.contentencoding.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.contentlanguage.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.contentlength.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.contentlocation.methods:

   See ``Zend\Http\Header\AbstractLocation`` :ref:`methods<zend.http.header.abstractlocation.methods>`.

.. _zend.http.header.contentmd5.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.contentrange.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.contentsecuritypolicy.methods:

      Retrieve the defined directives for the policy

      Returns an array

   ``setDirective(string $name, array $sources)``
      Set the directive with the given name to include the sources

      As an example: an auction site wishes to load images from any URI, plugin content from
      a list of trusted media providers (including a content distribution network), and scripts
      only from a server under its control hosting sanitized ECMAScript:

      .. code-block:: php

         // Example #2
         $csp = new ContentSecurityPolicy();
         $csp->setDirective('default-src', array()) // No sources
             ->setDirective('img-src', array('*'))
             ->setDirective('object-src' array('', '', '*'))
             ->setDirective('script-src', array(''));

      Returns self

.. _zend.http.header.contenttransferencoding.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.contenttype.methods:

   ``match(array|string $matchAgainst)``
      Determine if the mediatype value in this header matches the provided criteria

      Returns bool|string

      Get the media type

      Returns string

   ``setMediaType(string $mediaType)``
      Set the media type

      Returns self

      Get any additional content-type parameters currently set

      Returns array

   ``setParameters(array $parameters)``
      Set additional content-type parameters

      Returns self

      Get the content-type character set encoding, if any

      Returns string|null

   ``setCharset(string $charset)``
      Set the content-type character set encoding

      Returns self

.. _zend.http.header.cookie.methods:

   Extends ``ArrayObject``

   static ``fromSetCookieArray(array $setCookies)``




   See ``Zend\Http\Header\AbstractDate`` :ref:`methods<zend.http.header.abstractdate.methods>`.

.. _zend.http.header.etag.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.expect.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.expires.methods:

   See ``Zend\Http\Header\AbstractDate`` :ref:`methods<zend.http.header.abstractdate.methods>`.

.. _zend.http.header.from.methods:

   No additional methods


   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.ifmatch.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.ifmodifiedsince.methods:

   See ``Zend\Http\Header\AbstractDate`` :ref:`methods<zend.http.header.abstractdate.methods>`.

.. _zend.http.header.ifnonematch.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.ifrange.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.ifunmodifiedsince.methods:

   See ``Zend\Http\Header\AbstractDate`` :ref:`methods<zend.http.header.abstractdate.methods>`.

.. _zend.http.header.keepalive.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.lastmodified.methods:

   See ``Zend\Http\Header\AbstractDate`` :ref:`methods<zend.http.header.abstractdate.methods>`.

.. _zend.http.header.location.methods:

   See ``Zend\Http\Header\AbstractLocation`` :ref:`methods<zend.http.header.abstractlocation.methods>`.

.. _zend.http.header.maxforwards.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.origin.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.pragma.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.proxyauthenticate.methods:

   ``toStringMultipleHeaders(array $headers)``

.. _zend.http.header.proxyauthorization.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.range.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.referer.methods:

   See ``Zend\Http\Header\AbstractLocation`` :ref:`methods<zend.http.header.abstractlocation.methods>`.

.. _zend.http.header.refresh.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.retryafter.methods:

   See ``Zend\Http\Header\AbstractDate`` :ref:`methods<zend.http.header.abstractdate.methods>`.

   ``setDeltaSeconds(int $delta)``
      Set number of seconds

      Returns self

      Get number of seconds

      Returns int

.. _zend.http.header.server.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.setcookie.methods:

   ``getName()`` / ``setName(string $name)``
      The cookie name

   ``getValue()`` / ``setValue(string $value)``
      The cookie value

   ``getExpires()`` / ``setExpires(int|string $expires)``
      The time frame the cookie is valid for, null is a session cookie

   ``getPath()`` / ``setPath(string $path)``
      The URI path the cookie is bound to

   ``getDomain()`` / ``setDomain(string $domain)``
      The domain the cookie applies to

   ``getMaxAge()`` / ``setMaxAge(int $maxAge)``
      The maximum age of the cookie

   ``getVersion()`` / ``setVersion(int $version)``
      The cookie version

      Whether the cookies contains the Secure flag

      Returns bool

   ``setSecure(bool $secure)``
      Set whether the cookies contains the Secure flag

      Returns self

      Whether the cookies can be accessed via HTTP only

      Returns bool

   ``setHttponly(bool $httponly)``
      Set whether the cookies can be accessed via HTTP only

      Returns self

      Whether the cookie is expired

      Returns bool

      Whether the cookie is a session cookie

      Returns bool

   ``setQuoteFieldValue(bool $quotedValue)``
      Set whether the value for this cookie should be quoted

      Returns self

      Check whether the value for this cookie should be quoted

      Returns bool

      Whether the cookie is valid for a given request domain, path and isSecure

      Returns bool

   ``match(string $uri, bool $matchSessionCookies, int $now)``
      Checks whether the cookie should be sent or not in a specific scenario

      Returns bool

   static ``matchCookieDomain(string $cookieDomain, string $host)``
      Check if a cookie's domain matches a host name.

      Returns bool

   static ``matchCookiePath(string $cookiePath, string $path)``
      Check if a cookie's path matches a URL path

      Returns bool

   ``toStringMultipleHeaders(array $headers)``
      Returns string

.. _zend.http.header.te.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.trailer.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.transferencoding.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.upgrade.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.useragent.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.vary.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.via.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.warning.methods:

   No additional methods

.. _zend.http.header.wwwauthenticate.methods:

   ``toStringMultipleHeaders(array $headers)``

.. _zend.http.headers.examples:


.. _zend.http.headers.examples.retrieving-headers:

.. rubric:: Retrieving headers from a Zend\\Http\\Headers object

.. code-block:: php

   // $client is an instance of Zend\Http\Client
   $response = $client->send();
   $headers = $response->getHeaders();

   // We can check if the Request contains a specific header by
   // using the ``has`` method. Returns boolean ``TRUE`` if at least
   // one matching header found, and ``FALSE`` otherwise

   // We can retrieve all instances of a specific header by using
   // the ``get`` method:
   $contentTypeHeaders = $headers->get('Content-Type');

There are three possibilities for the return value of the above call to the ``get`` method:

 -  If no Content-Type header was set in the Request, ``get`` will return false.

 -  If only one Content-Type header was set in the Request,
    ``get`` will return an instance of ``Zend\Http\Header\ContentType``.

 -  If more than one Content-Type header was set in the Request,
    ``get`` will return an ArrayIterator containing one
    ``Zend\Http\Header\ContentType`` instance per header.

.. _zend.http.headers.examples.adding-headers:

.. rubric:: Adding headers to a Zend\\Http\\Headers object

.. code-block:: php

   $headers = new Zend\Http\Headers();

   // We can directly add any object that implements Zend\Http\Header\HeaderInterface
   $typeHeader = Zend\Http\Header\ContentType::fromString('Content-Type: text/html');

   // We can add headers using the raw string representation, either
   // passing the header name and value as separate arguments...
   $headers->addHeaderLine('Content-Type', 'text/html');

   // .. or we can pass the entire header as the only argument
   $headers->addHeaderLine('Content-Type: text/html');

   // We can also add headers in bulk using addHeaders, which accepts
   // an array of individual header definitions that can be in any of
   // the accepted formats outlined below:

       // An object implementing Zend\Http\Header\HeaderInterface
       Zend\Http\Header\ContentType::fromString('Content-Type: text/html'),

       // A raw header string
       'Content-Type: text/html',

       // We can also pass the header name as the array key and the
       // header content as that array key's value
       'Content-Type' => 'text/html');


.. _zend.http.headers.examples.removing-headers:

.. rubric:: Removing headers from a Zend\\Http\\Headers object

We can remove all headers of a specific type using the ``removeHeader`` method,
which accepts a single object implementing ``Zend\Http\Header\HeaderInterface``

.. code-block:: php

   // $headers is a pre-configured instance of Zend\Http\Headers

   // We can also delete individual headers or groups of headers
   $matches = $headers->get('Content-Type');

   // If more than one header was found, iterate over the collection
   // and remove each one individually
   if ($matches instanceof ArrayIterator) {
       foreach ($headers as $header) {
   // If only a single header was found, remove it directly
   } elseif ($matches instanceof Zend\Http\Header\HeaderInterface) {

   // In addition to this, we can clear all the headers currently stored in
   // the container by calling the clearHeaders() method

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