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File: /_sources/modules/zend.filter.base-name.txt

Storage flags:no_autoload,compress/gzip (43%)

.. _zend.filter.set.basename:


``Zend\Filter\BaseName`` allows you to filter a string which contains the path to a file and it will return the
base name of this file.

.. _zend.filter.set.basename.options:

Supported Options

There are no additional options for ``Zend\Filter\BaseName``.

.. _zend.filter.set.basename.basic:

Basic Usage

A basic example of usage is below:

.. code-block:: php

   $filter = new Zend\Filter\BaseName();

   print $filter->filter('/vol/tmp/filename');

This will return 'filename'.

.. code-block:: php

   $filter = new Zend\Filter\BaseName();

   print $filter->filter('/vol/tmp/filename.txt');

This will return '``filename.txt``'.

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