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File: /_sources/modules/zend.escaper.configuration.txt

Storage flags:no_autoload,compress/gzip (53%)

.. _zend.escaper.configuration:

Configuring Zend\\Escaper

``Zend\Escaper\Escaper`` has only one configuration option available, and that is the encoding to be used by the
Escaper object.

The default encoding is **utf-8**. Other supported encodings are:

 - iso-8859-1
 - iso-8859-5
 - iso-8859-15
 - cp866, ibm866, 866
 - cp1251, windows-1251
 - cp1252, windows-1252
 - koi8-r, koi8-ru
 - big5, big5-hkscs, 950, gb2312, 936
 - shift_jis, sjis, sjis-win, cp932
 - eucjp, eucjp-win
 - macroman

If an unsupported encoding is passed to ``Zend\Escaper\Escaper``, a ``Zend\Escaper\Exception\InvalidArgumentException``
will be thrown.

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