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.. _zend.db.sql.ddl:


``Zend\Db\Sql\Ddl`` is a sub-component of ``Zend\Db\Sql`` that allows consumers
to create statement objects that will produce DDL (Data Definition Language) SQL
statements.  When combined with a platform specific ``Zend\Db\Sql\Sql`` object,
these DDL objects are capable of producing platform-specific ``CREATE TABLE``
statements, with specialized data types, constraints, and indexes for a

The following platforms have platform specializations for DDL:

- All databases compatible with ANSI SQL92

.. _zend.db.sql.ddl.creating-tables:

Creating Tables

Like ``Zend\Db\Sql`` objects, each statement type is represented by a class.
For example, ``CREATE TABLE`` is modeled by a ``CreateTable`` object; this is
likewise the same for ``ALTER TABLE`` (as ``AlterTable``), and ``DROP TABLE``
(as ``DropTable``).  These classes exist in the ``Zend\Db\Sql\Ddl`` namespace.
To initiate the building of a DDL statement, such as ``CreateTable``, one needs
to instantiate the object. There are a couple of valid patterns for this:

.. code-block:: php
    use Zend\Db\Sql\Ddl;

    $table = new Ddl\CreateTable();
    // or with table
    $table = new Ddl\CreateTable('bar');
    // optionally, as a temporary table
    $table = new Ddl\CreateTable('bar', true);
You can also set the table after instantiation:
.. code-block:: php
Currently, columns are added by creating a column object, described in the 
data type table in the data type section below:

.. code-block:: php

    use Zend\Db\Sql\Ddl\Column;
    $table->addColumn(new Column\Integer('id'));
    $table->addColumn(new Column\Varchar('name', 255));
Beyond adding columns to a table, constraints can also be added:

.. code-block:: php

    use Zend\Db\Sql\Ddl\Constraint;
    $table->addConstraint(new Constraint\PrimaryKey('id'));
        new Constraint\UniqueKey(['name', 'foo'], 'my_unique_key')

.. _zend.db.sql.ddl.altering-tables:

Altering Tables

Similarly to ``CreateTable``, you may also instantiate ``AlterTable``:

.. code-block:: php
    use Zend\Db\Sql\Ddl;

    $table = new Ddl\AlterTable();
    // or with table
    $table = new Ddl\AlterTable('bar');
    // optionally, as a temporary table
    $table = new Ddl\AlterTable('bar', true);

The primary difference between a ``CreateTable`` and ``AlterTable`` is that the
``AlterTable`` takes into account that the table and its assets already exist.
Therefore, while you still have ``addColumn()`` and ``addConstraint()``, you
will also see the ability to change existing columns:

.. code-block:: php

    use Zend\Db\Sql\Ddl\Column;
    $table->changeColumn('name', Column\Varchar('new_name', 50));

You may also drop existing columns or constraints:

.. code-block:: php

.. _zend.db.sql.ddl.dropping-tables:

Dropping Tables

To drop a table, create a ``DropTable`` statement object:

.. code-block:: php

    $drop = new Ddl\DropTable('bar');

.. _zend.db.sql.ddl.execution:

Executing DDL Statements

After a DDL statement object has been created and configured, at some point you
will want to execute the statement. To do this, you will need two other objects:
an ``Adapter`` instance, and a properly seeded ``Sql`` instance.

The workflow looks something like this, with ``$ddl`` being a ``CreateTable``,
``AlterTable``, or ``DropTable`` instance:

.. code-block:: php

    use Zend\Db\Sql\Sql;

    // existence of $adapter is assumed
    $sql = new Sql($adapter);
By passing the ``$ddl`` object through the ``$sql`` object's
``getSqlStringForSqlObject()`` method, we ensure that any platform specific
specializations/modifications are utilized to create a platform specific
SQL statement.

Next, using the constant ``Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE`` ensures
that the SQL statement is not prepared, as many DDL statements on a variety of
platforms cannot be prepared, only executed.
.. _zend.db.sql.ddl.supported-data-types:

Currently Supported Data Types

These types exist in the ``Zend\Db\Sql\Ddl\Column`` namespace.  Data types must
implement ``Zend\Db\Sql\Ddl\Column\ColumnInterface``.

In alphabetical order:

|       Type       |                            Arguments For Construction                            |
| BigInteger       | ``$name, $nullable = false, $default = null, array $options = array()``          |
| Blob             | ``$name, $length, $nullable = false, $default = null, array $options = array()`` |
| Boolean          | ``$name``                                                                        |
| Char             | ``$name, $length``                                                               |
| Column (generic) | ``$name = null``                                                                 |
| Date             | ``$name``                                                                        |
| Decimal          | ``$name, $precision, $scale = null``                                             |
| Float            | ``$name, $digits, $decimal``                                                     |
|                  | (Note: this class is deprecated as of 2.4.0; use Floating instead                |
| Floating         | ``$name, $digits, $decimal``                                                     |
| Integer          | ``$name, $nullable = false, $default = null, array $options = array()``          |
| Time             | ``$name``                                                                        |
| Varchar          | ``$name, $length``                                                               |

Each of the above types can be utilized in any place that accepts a
``Column\ColumnInterface`` instance.  Currently, this is primarily in
``CreateTable::addColumn()`` and ``AlterTable``'s ``addColumn()`` and
``changeColumn()`` methods.

.. _zend.db.sql.ddl.supported-constraints:

Currently Supported Constraint Types

These types exist in the ``Zend\Db\Sql\Ddl\Constraint`` namespace. Data types must
implement ``Zend\Db\Sql\Ddl\Constraint\ConstraintInterface``.

In alphabetical order:

|      Type      |                                    Arguments For Construction                                     |
| Check          | ``$expression, $name``                                                                            |
| ForeignKey     | ``$name, $column, $referenceTable, $referenceColumn, $onDeleteRule = null, $onUpdateRule = null`` |
| PrimaryKey     | ``$columns``                                                                                      |
| UniqueKey      | ``$column, $name = null``                                                                         |

Each of the above types can be utilized in any place that accepts a
``Column\ConstraintInterface`` instance.  Currently, this is primarily in
``CreateTable::addConstraint()`` and ``AlterTable::addConstraint()``.

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