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File: /_sources/modules/zend.cache.pattern.output-cache.txt

Storage flags:no_autoload,compress/gzip (32%)

.. _zend.cache.pattern.output-cache:


.. _zend.cache.pattern.output-cache.overview:


The ``OutputCache`` pattern caches output between calls to ``start()`` and ``end()``.

.. _zend.cache.pattern.output-cache.quick-start:

Quick Start

Instantiating the output cache pattern

.. code-block:: php

   use Zend\Cache\PatternFactory;

   $outputCache = PatternFactory::factory('output', array(
       'storage' => 'apc'

.. _zend.cache.pattern.output-cache.options:

Configuration Options

|Option  |Data Type                                                    |Default Value |Description                           |
|storage |``string`` ``array`` ``Zend\Cache\Storage\StorageInterface`` |<none>        |The storage to write/read cached data |

.. _zend.cache.pattern.output-cache.methods:

Available Methods

.. function:: start(string $key)

   If there is a cached item with the given key display it's data and return ``true``
   else start buffering output until ``end()`` is called or the script ends and return ``false``.

   :rtype: boolean

.. function:: end()

   Stops buffering output, write buffered data to cache using the given key on ``start()``
   and displays the buffer.

   :rtype: boolean

.. function:: setOptions(Zend\\Cache\\Pattern\\PatternOptions $options)

   Set pattern options.

   :rtype: Zend\\Cache\\Pattern\\OutputCache

.. function:: getOptions()

   Get all pattern options.

   :rtype: Zend\\Cache\\Pattern\\PatternOptions

.. _zend.cache.pattern.pattern-factory.examples:


.. _zend.cache.pattern.output-cache.examples.caching-simple-views:

.. rubric:: Caching simple view scripts

.. code-block:: php

   $outputCache = Zend\Cache\PatternFactory::factory('output', array(
       'storage' => 'apc',
   include '/path/to/view/script.phtml';

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