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File: /_sources/modules/zend.cache.pattern.capture-cache.txt

Storage flags:no_autoload,compress/gzip (26%)

.. _zend.cache.pattern.capture-cache:


.. _zend.cache.pattern.capture-cache.overview:


The ``CaptureCache`` pattern is useful to auto-generate static resources in base of a HTTP request.
The Webserver needs to be configured to run a PHP script generating the requested resource so further
requests for the same resource can be shipped without calling PHP again.

It comes with basic logic to manage generated resources.

.. _zend.cache.pattern.capture-cache.quick-start:

Quick Start

Simplest usage as Apache-404 handler

.. code-block:: apacheconf

   # .htdocs
   ErrorDocument 404 /index.php

.. code-block:: php

   // index.php
   use Zend\Cache\PatternFactory;
   $capture = Zend\Cache\PatternFactory::factory('capture', array(
       'public_dir' => __DIR__,

   // Start capturing all output excl. headers and write to public directory

   // Don't forget to change HTTP response code
   header('Status: 200', true, 200);
   // do stuff to dynamically generate output

.. _zend.cache.pattern.capture-cache.options:

Configuration Options

|Option            |Data Type               |Default Value           |Description                                                      |
|public_dir        |``string``              |<none>                  |Location of public directory to write output to                  |
|index_filename    |``string``              |"index.html"            |The name of the first file if only a directory was requested     |
|file_locking      |``boolean``             |``true``                |Locking output files on writing                                  |
|file_permission   |``integer`` ``boolean`` |0600 (``false`` on win) |Set permissions of generated output files                        |
|dir_permission    |``integer`` ``boolean`` |0700 (``false`` on win) |Set permissions of generated output directories                  |
|umask             |``integer`` ``boolean`` |``false``               |Using umask on generating output files / directories             |

.. _zend.cache.pattern.capture-cache.methods:

Available Methods

.. function:: start(string|null $pageId = null)

   Start capturing output.

   :rtype: void

.. function:: set(string $content, string|null $pageId = null)

   Write content to page identity.

   :rtype: void

.. function:: get(string|null $pageId = null)

   Get content of an already cached page.

   :rtype: string|false

.. function:: has(string|null $pageId = null)

   Check if a page has been created.

   :rtype: boolean

.. function:: remove(string|null $pageId = null)

   Remove a page.

   :rtype: boolean

.. function:: clearByGlob(string $pattern = '**')

   Clear pages matching glob pattern.

   :rtype: void

.. function:: setOptions(Zend\\Cache\\Pattern\\PatternOptions $options)

   Set pattern options.

   :rtype: Zend\\Cache\\Pattern\\CaptureCache

.. function:: getOptions()

   Get all pattern options.

   :rtype: Zend\\Cache\\Pattern\\PatternOptions

.. _zend.cache.pattern.pattern-factory.examples:


.. _zend.cache.pattern.capture-cache.examples.scaling-images:

.. rubric:: Scaling images in base of request

.. code-block:: apacheconf

   # .htdocs
   ErrorDocument 404 /index.php

.. code-block:: php

   // index.php
   $captureCache = Zend\Cache\PatternFactory::factory('capture', array(
       'public_dir' => __DIR__,
   // TODO

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