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.. _zend.barcode.objects:

Zend\\Barcode Objects

Barcode objects allow you to generate barcodes independently of the rendering support. After generation, you can
retrieve the barcode as an array of drawing instructions that you can provide to a renderer.

Objects have a large number of options. Most of them are common to all objects. These options can be set in three

- As an array or a `Traversable`_ object passed to the constructor.

- As an array passed to the ``setOptions()`` method.

- Via individual setters for each configuration type.

.. _zend.barcode.objects.configuration:

.. rubric:: Different ways to parameterize a barcode object

.. code-block:: php

   use Zend\Barcode\Object;

   $options = array('text' => 'ZEND-FRAMEWORK', 'barHeight' => 40);

   // Case 1: constructor
   $barcode = new Object\Code39($options);

   // Case 2: setOptions()
   $barcode = new Object\Code39();

   // Case 3: individual setters
   $barcode = new Object\Code39();

.. _zend.barcode.objects.common.options:

Common Options

In the following list, the values have no units; we will use the term "unit." For example, the default value of the
"thin bar" is "1 unit". The real units depend on the rendering support (see :ref:`the renderers documentation
<zend.barcode.renderers>` for more information). Setters are each named by uppercasing the initial letter of the
option and prefixing the name with "set" (e.g. "barHeight" becomes "setBarHeight"). All options have a
corresponding getter prefixed with "get" (e.g. "getBarHeight"). Available options are:

.. _zend.barcode.objects.common.options.table:

.. table:: Common Options

   |Option            |Data Type                        |Default Value        |Description                                                                                                |
   |barcodeNamespace  |String                           |Zend\\Barcode\\Object|Namespace of the barcode; for example, if you need to extend the embedding objects                         |
   |barHeight         |Integer                          |50                   |Height of the bars                                                                                         |
   |barThickWidth     |Integer                          |3                    |Width of the thick bar                                                                                     |
   |barThinWidth      |Integer                          |1                    |Width of the thin bar                                                                                      |
   |factor            |Integer, Float, String or Boolean|1                    |Factor by which to multiply bar widths and font sizes (barHeight, barThinWidth, barThickWidth and fontSize)|
   |foreColor         |Integer                          |0x000000 (black)     |Color of the bar and the text. Could be provided as an integer or as a HTML value (e.g. "#333333")         |
   |backgroundColor   |Integer or String                |0xFFFFFF (white)     |Color of the background. Could be provided as an integer or as a HTML value (e.g. "#333333")               |
   |orientation       |Integer, Float, String or Boolean|0                    |Orientation of the barcode                                                                                 |
   |font              |String or Integer                |NULL                 |Font path to a TTF font or a number between 1 and 5 if using image generation with GD (internal fonts)     |
   |fontSize          |Float                            |10                   |Size of the font (not applicable with numeric fonts)                                                       |
   |withBorder        |Boolean                          |FALSE                |Draw a border around the barcode and the quiet zones                                                       |
   |withQuietZones    |Boolean                          |TRUE                 |Leave a quiet zone before and after the barcode                                                            |
   |drawText          |Boolean                          |TRUE                 |Set if the text is displayed below the barcode                                                             |
   |stretchText       |Boolean                          |FALSE                |Specify if the text is stretched all along the barcode                                                     |
   |withChecksum      |Boolean                          |FALSE                |Indicate whether or not the checksum is automatically added to the barcode                                 |
   |withChecksumInText|Boolean                          |FALSE                |Indicate whether or not the checksum is displayed in the textual representation                            |
   |text              |String                           |NULL                 |The text to represent as a barcode                                                                         |

.. _zend.barcode.barcode.common.options.barcodefont:

Particular case of static setBarcodeFont()

You can set a common font for all your objects by using the static method
``Zend\Barcode\Barcode::setBarcodeFont()``. This value can be always be overridden for individual objects by using
the ``setFont()`` method.

.. code-block:: php

   use Zend\Barcode\Barcode;

   // In your bootstrap:

   // Later in your code:
       array('text' => 'ZEND-FRAMEWORK')
   ); // will use 'my_font.ttf'

   // or:
           'text' => 'ZEND-FRAMEWORK',
           'font' => 3
   ); // will use the 3rd GD internal font

.. _zend.barcode.objects.common.getters:

Common Additional Getters

.. _zend.barcode.objects.common.getters.table:

.. table:: Common Getters

   |Getter                             |Data Type|Description                                                                                                            |
   |getType()                          |String   |Return the name of the barcode class without the namespace (e.g. Zend\\Barcode\\Object\\Code39 returns simply "code39")|
   |getRawText()                       |String   |Return the original text provided to the object                                                                        |
   |getTextToDisplay()                 |String   |Return the text to display, including, if activated, the checksum value                                                |
   |getQuietZone()                     |Integer  |Return the size of the space needed before and after the barcode without any drawing                                   |
   |getInstructions()                  |Array    |Return drawing instructions as an array.                                                                               |
   |getHeight($recalculate = false)    |Integer  |Return the height of the barcode calculated after possible rotation                                                    |
   |getWidth($recalculate = false)     |Integer  |Return the width of the barcode calculated after possible rotation                                                     |
   |getOffsetTop($recalculate = false) |Integer  |Return the position of the top of the barcode calculated after possible rotation                                       |
   |getOffsetLeft($recalculate = false)|Integer  |Return the position of the left of the barcode calculated after possible rotation                                      |

.. include:: zend.barcode.objects.details.rst

.. _`Traversable`:

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