Alnum Validator

Zend\I18n\Validator\Alnum allows you to validate if a given value contains only alphabetical characters and digits. There is no length limitation for the input you want to validate.

Supported Options

The following options are supported for Zend\I18n\Validator\Alnum:

  • allowWhiteSpace: If whitespace characters are allowed. This option defaults to FALSE

Basic usage

A basic example is the following one:

$validator = new Zend\I18n\Validator\Alnum();
if ($validator->isValid('Abcd12')) {
    // value contains only allowed chars
} else {
    // false

Using whitespaces

Per default whitespaces are not accepted because they are not part of the alphabet. Still, there is a way to accept them as input. This allows to validate complete sentences or phrases.

To allow the usage of whitespaces you need to give the allowWhiteSpace option. This can be done while creating an instance of the validator, or afterwards by using setAllowWhiteSpace(). To get the actual state you can use getAllowWhiteSpace().

$validator = new Zend\I18n\Validator\Alnum(array('allowWhiteSpace' => true));
if ($validator->isValid('Abcd and 12')) {
    // value contains only allowed chars
} else {
    // false

Using different languages

There are actually 3 languages which are not accepted in their own script. These languages are korean, japanese and chinese because this languages are using an alphabet where a single character is build by using multiple characters.

In the case you are using these languages, the input will only be validated by using the english alphabet.

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Standard Validation Classes

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Alpha Validator

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