Size: | 2889 |
Storage flags: |
* @copyright Francois Laupretre <phool@tekwire.net>
* @license http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Apache License, V 2.0
* @category phool
* @package phool
namespace Phool;
class Util
public static function envIsWeb()
return (php_sapi_name()!='cli');
public static function envIsWindows()
return (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN');
// Adapted from PEAR
public static function loadExtension($ext)
if (extension_loaded($ext)) return;
if (PHP_OS == 'AIX') $suffix = 'a';
else $suffix = PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX;
@dl('php_'.$ext.'.'.$suffix) || @dl($ext.'.'.$suffix);
if (!extension_loaded($ext)) throw new \Exception("$ext: Cannot load extension");
// Require several extensions. Allows to list every extensions that are not
// present.
public static function loadExtensions($ext_list)
foreach($ext_list as $ext)
try { self::loadExtension($ext); }
catch (\Exception $e) { $failed_ext[]=$ext; }
if (count($failed_ext))
throw new \Exception('Cannot load the following required extension(s): '
.implode(' ',$failed_ext));
// Replacement for substr()
// Difference : returns '' instead of false (when index out of range)
public static function substr($buf,$position,$len=NULL)
$str=is_null($len) ? substr($buf,$position) : substr($buf,$position,$len);
if ($str===false) $str='';
return $str;
// This function must be called before every file access
// In PHP 6, magic_quotes_runtime is suppressed and set_magic_quotes_runtime()
// does not exist any more.
private static $mqr_exists=null;
private static $mqr_level=0;
private static $mqr_save;
public static function disableMQR()
if (is_null(self::$mqr_exists))
if (!self::$mqr_exists) return;
if (self::$mqr_level==0)
// This function must be called after every file access
public static function restoreMQR()
if (is_null(self::$mqr_exists))
if (!self::$mqr_exists) return;
if (self::$mqr_level==0) set_magic_quotes_runtime(self::$mqr_save);
public static function mkArray($data)
if (is_null($data)) return array();
if (!is_array($data)) $data=array($data);
return $data;
public static function callMethod($object,$method,$args)
return call_user_func_array(array($object,$method),$args);
} // End of class