Size: | 12355 |
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// Copyright Francois Laupretre <automap@tekwire.net>
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
* @copyright Francois Laupretre <automap@tekwire.net>
* @license http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Apache License, V 2.0
* @category Automap
* @package Automap
* This class creates a map file
* Usage:
* $map=new \Automap\Build\Creator();
* ...[populate using the different methods]...
* $map->save(<path>);
* API status: Public
* Included in the PHK PHP runtime: No
* Implemented in the extension: No
namespace Automap\Build {
if (!class_exists('Automap\Build\Creator',false))
class Creator
const VERSION='3.0.0'; // Version set into the maps I produce
const MIN_RUNTIME_VERSION='3.0.0'; // Minimum version of runtime able to understand the maps I produce
private $symbols=array(); // array($key => array('T' => <symbol type>
// , 'n' => <case-sensitive symbol name>
// , 't' => <target type>, 'p' => <target path>))
private $options=array();
private $php_file_ext=array('php','inc','hh');
private $parser; // Must implement \Automap\Build\ParserInterface
public function __construct($parser=null)
public function setParser($parser=null)
if (is_null($parser)) $parser=new Parser();
public function option($opt)
return (isset($this->options[$opt]) ? $this->options[$opt] : null);
public function setOption($option,$value)
\Phool\Display::trace("Setting option $option=$value");
public function unsetOption($option)
\Phool\Display::trace("Unsetting option $option");
if (isset($this->options[$option])) unset($this->options[$option]);
* Set the list of file suffixes recognized as PHP source scripts
* Default list is 'php, 'inc, 'hh'.
* @param array|string If array, replace the list, otherwise add a suffix to the list
* @return null
public function setPhpFileExt($a)
if (is_array($a)) $this->php_file_ext=$a;
else $this->php_file_ext[]=$a;
private function addEntry($va)
// Filter namespace if filter specified
if (isset($va['f']))
if (is_string($ns_list)) $ns_list=array($ns_list);
foreach($ns_list as $item)
if ((($item=='')&&($ns==''))||($item!='')&&(strpos($ns.'\\',$item.'\\')===0))
if (!$ok)
\Phool\Display::debug("$key rejected by namespace filter");
// Add symbol to map if no conflict
\Phool\Display::debug("Adding symbol (key=<$key>, name=".$va['n']
.", target=".$va['p'].' ('.$va['t'].')');
if (isset($this->symbols[$key]))
// If same target, it's OK
if (($entry['t']!=$va['t'])||($entry['p']!=$va['p']))
echo "** Warning: Symbol multiply defined: "
.' '.$va['n']."\n Previous location (kept): "
.' '.$entry['p']."\n New location (discarded): "
.' '.$va['p']."\n";
else $this->symbols[$key]=$va;
private function addTSEntry($stype,$sname,$va)
public function symbolCount()
return count($this->symbols);
// Build an array containing only target information
private static function mkVarray($ftype,$fpath,$ns_filter=null)
$a=array('t' => $ftype, 'p' => $fpath);
if (!is_null($ns_filter)) $a['f']=$ns_filter;
return $a;
public function addSymbol($stype,$sname,$ftype,$fpath)
// Remove the entries matching a given target
private function unregisterTarget($va)
\Phool\Display::debug("Unregistering path (type=$type, path=$path)");
foreach(array_keys($this->symbols) as $key)
if (($this->symbols[$key]['t']===$type)&&($this->symbols[$key]['p']===$path))
\Phool\Display::debug("Removing $key from symbol table");
// Using adler32 as it is supposed to be the fastest algo. That's more than
// enough for a CRC check.
// Symbols are supposed to be normalized (no leading/trailing '\').
public function serialize()
//-- Store symbols in namespace slots
foreach($this->symbols as $key => $va)
if (!array_key_exists($ns,$slots)) $slots[$ns]=array();
//-- Serialize
foreach(array_keys($slots) as $ns)
$data=serialize(array('map' => $slots, 'options' => $this->options));
//-- Dump to file
return substr_replace($buf,hash('adler32',$buf),46,8); // Insert CRC
public function save($path)
if (is_null($path)) throw new \Exception('No path provided');
\Phool\Display::trace("$path: Writing map file");
// Register an extension in current map.
// $file=extension file (basename)
public function registerExtensionFile($file)
\Phool\Display::trace("Registering extension : $file");
foreach($this->parser->parseExtension($file) as $sym)
// Register every extension files in the extension directory
// We do several passes, as there are dependencies between extensions which
// must be loaded in a given order. We stop when a pass cannot load any file.
public function registerExtensionDir()
\Phool\Display::trace("Scanning extensions directory ($ext_dir)\n");
//-- Multiple passes because of possible dependencies
//-- Loop until everything is loaded or we cannot load anything more
foreach(scandir($ext_dir) as $ext_file)
if (is_dir($ext_dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$ext_file)) continue;
if (preg_match($pattern,$ext_file)) $f_to_load[]=$ext_file;
foreach($f_to_load as $key => $ext_file)
try { $this->registerExtensionFile($ext_file); }
catch (\Exception $e) { $f_failed[]=$ext_file; }
//-- If we could load everything or if we didn't load anything, break
if ((count($f_failed)==0)||(count($f_failed)==count($f_to_load))) break;
if (count($f_failed))
foreach($f_failed as $file)
\Phool\Display::warning("$file: This extension was not registered (load failed)");
* Normalize a destination path
* 1. Replace backslashes with forward slashes.
* 2. Remove trailing slashes
* @param string $rpath the path to normalize
* @return string the normalized path
private static function normalizePath($path)
if ($path=='') $path='/';
return $path;
public function registerScriptFile($fpath,$rpath,$ns_filter=null)
\Phool\Display::trace("Registering script $fpath as $rpath");
// Force relative path
foreach($this->parser->parseScriptFile($fpath) as $sym)
* Recursively scan a path and records symbols
* Scan retains PHP source files and phk packages only (based on file suffix)
* Only dirs and regular files are considered. Other types are ignored.
* @param string $fpath Path to register
* @param string $rpath Path to register to in map for $fpath
* @param string|array|null $ns_filter
* List of authorized namespaces (empty string means no namespace)
* If null, no filtering.
* @param string|null $file_pattern
* File path preg pattern (File paths not matching this pattern are ignored)
public function registerPath($fpath,$rpath,$ns_filter=null,$file_pattern=null)
\Phool\Display::trace("Registering path <$fpath> as <$rpath>");
case 'dir':
foreach(\Phool\File::scandir($fpath) as $entry)
case 'file':
if ((!is_null($file_pattern)) && (!preg_match($file_pattern, $fpath))) return;
if ($suffix=='phk')
elseif (array_search($suffix,$this->php_file_ext)!==false)
\Phool\Display::trace("Ignoring file $fpath (not a PHP script)");
public function readMapFile($fpath)
\Phool\Display::trace("Reading map file ($fpath)");
$map=new \Automap\Map($fpath);
* Merge an existing map file into the current map
* Import symbols only. Options are ignored (including base path).
* @param string $fpath Path of the map to merge (input)
* @param Relative path to prepend to map target paths
* @return null
public function mergeMapFile($fpath,$rpath)
\Phool\Display::debug("Merging map file from $fpath (rpath=$rpath)");
$map=new \Automap\Map($fpath);
public function mergeMapSymbols($map,$rpath='.')
foreach($map->symbols() as $va)
// Register a PHK package
public function registerPhkPkg($fpath,$rpath)
\Phool\Display::trace("Registering PHK package $fpath as $rpath");
\Phool\Display::debug("Registering PHK package (path=$fpath, rpath=$rpath)");
if ($id) // If package has an automap
foreach(\Automap\Mgr::map($id)->symbols() as $sym)
public function import($path=null)
if (is_null($path)) $path="php://stdin";
\Phool\Display::trace("Importing map from $path");
if (!$fp) throw new \Exception("$path: Cannot open for reading");
if (($line=trim($line))==='') continue;
} // End of class
} // End of class_exists
} // End of namespace